Meteor Shower Tonight — Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks On October 20 2013

The Orionid meteor shower peaks tonight, on the night of Sunday, October 20, 2013 — or the early morning of Monday, October 21, 2013, depending on how you look at it. The exact peak will be sometime between the hours of 2-5 AM on October 21, 2013.

The Orionids typically produce somewhere around 20-25 meteors an hour at their peak — this year, though, the Moon will be in a relatively bright part of its cycle during the peak, and as a result, the number of meteors visible will likely be greatly diminished.

Image Credit: Meteor via Flickr CC

For those that are going to give it a go — most of the meteors will appear to be originating out of the constellation of Orion the Hunter, which will rise in the South/Southeast portion of the sky after nightfall. Just south of the rust-colored, giant star Betelgeuse.

Something else to keep in mind — “while the peak will be on the 20th/21st, the Orionids are actually a rather long-lasting meteor shower, so if you head out sometime in early November or so, after the Moon enters a darker phase, you might still be able to see a few — the last stragglers will be visible until the middle or so of November.”

Some general meteor shower watching tips:

• Find the darkest sky that you can, preferably far from city lights — dark, rural locations are ideal.

• Get comfortable — a reclining chair, warm clothes, blankets, pillows, etc.

• A cup of warm coffee or hot chocolate tends to make the experience more enjoyable. 🙂

Make sure to check out the other great meteor showers of the year: Meteor Showers 2013 Dates and Times, Geminids, Orionids, Leonids, Draconids, Ursids, Taurids, Etc

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