Meteor Shower Tonight — Lyrids Peak Tonight, April 22 2015

The Lyrids meteor shower will be reaching its peak tonight on April 22, 2015 (technically during the early morning hours of April 23, 2015). Considering that the Lyrid meteor shower is consistently one of the best of the year… Make you sure that you get out there tonight!

Regardless of the exact time that you head out there should be some meteors visible, but the exact peak will occur sometime after midnight in the early morning hours.

water on earth may have come from a meteor

When watching from a dark location far from city lights, one can expect to see maybe 10-20 meteors an hour (a somewhat conservative estimate) — the possibility is there though for a much higher peak rate than that though, the Lyrids are fairly variable.

As noted in some of our earlier coverage of this meteor shower:

As far as viewing conditions go — the darker the skies of the area that you’re watching from, the more meteors that you’ll see. Dark, rural locations far from the light pollution of cities are ideal — but if you can’t get far from the city, at the very least try to find a place without any lights (street lights, etc) in the immediate area.

While temperatures are likely to be fairly warm, it’s always a good idea to dress warmly, and to possibly bring a blanket and some hot coffee or chocolate — both of which go a ways towards improving the experience. A nice reclining chair is also an idea with some things going for it — giving you the option of getting off the ground (which probably has dog poo on it, if you’re anywhere near most modern cities).

While perhaps not quite as prolific (generally) as the Perseids or the Geminids, the Lyrids can still be breathtaking! So make time if you can.

(If you’re interested in these other meteor showers, see: Meteor Showers 2015, Dates and Times, Perseids, Lyrids, Geminids, Leonids, Draconids, Orionids, Etc).

Last year’s Lyrid meteor shower proved to be pretty fantastic from my location, so, one last time… Get Out There Tonight!


To keep tabs on the other celestial events of the year you can download this annual calendar of celestial events! (It’s a free PDF).

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Click on the image to download the calendar!

Image Credit: Screen Capture

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