Insurers Are 3rd to Get Nailed by Climate Change

“Leading reinsurer Munich Re said Monday that extreme natural catastrophes in 2010 led to the sixth-highest total loss for insurers since 1980 and showed evidence of climate change,” the Los Angeles Times reports.

Who’s surprised? Not climate realists. This is what we can expect, plain and simple.

Going on:

Altogether, 950 natural catastrophes were recorded last year, including floods in Pakistan, a heat wave in Russia and major quakes in Haiti, Chile and central China.

The events caused an exceptionally high number of fatalities, according to Munich Re. More than 220,000 people were killed in the Haiti earthquake, and at least 56,000 died in the Russian heat wave.

Think that’s bad?… Imagine what’s in store for your children and grandchildren if we don’t get working to stop and adapt to climate change fast.

Here’s much more on the coming effects of climate change from leading climate change blogger Joe Romm: Munich Re: “The only plausible explanation for the rise in weather-related catastrophes is climate change”

Why are insurers the 3rd to get nailed by climate change? Who are the first two? Well, second would be the actual people who get nailed by it, whom insurers have to compensate. And first would of course be the climate scientists and bloggers who have gotten a beating for years from those who don’t want to believe climate change is happening. You know how things go, better to kill the messenger than cope with reality.

Related Stories:
1. Top 10 Global Weirding & Environment Stories of 2010
2. 2010 Climate B.S. of the Year Award

Photo Credit: shapeshift

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