If Chevron Stopped Greenwashing, These Would be Their Ads


The League of Conservation Voters has launched a new campaign to counter Chevron’s newest greenwashed advertising blitz. In their new ads, Chevron asks, “Will You Join Us?” and gives examples of the things people can do on a personal level to stop global warming.

They don’t mention what they as a company have the power to do. Instead, they ask people to do things like take their golf clubs out of their trunk, replace light bulbs with CFLs, and “consider” buying a hybrid.

We all know that Chevron has a unique ability to do much more to stop global warming than simply encouraging others to make personal changes—their business decisions affect everyone on the planet. Barack Obama said it best: “We can’t solve global warming because I f***ing changed light bulbs in my house. It’s because of something collective.”

Images: LCV

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