Gulf Oil Spill Solutions ~ X Prize Considers a New Multimillion Dollar Oil Spill Clean-up Challenge

This week the X Prize foundation announced their intention to come up with a contest for solutions to cleaning up the damage done by the oil leaking from the BP Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Roughly 35,000 solutions have been proposed to BP, our government and other organizations, including the X Prize Foundation about fixing the Gulf crisis. Finally, instead of complaining about the problems, the time has come to start seriously inventing and deploying solutions to fix the gulf oil leak and the mess we’re left with.

The X Prize Foundation became famous for its X Prize of $10 million awarded for the development of private spacecraft, and now for the health of our beautiful planet, the nonprofit foundation is intending a new oil spill clean-up challenge. The X Prize foundation is seriously considering a multimillion-dollar prize for the the cleanup of the oil spill.

With Gulf spill pollution solutions like the “Ocean Therapy” machine by Kevin Costner and the deep sea clean-up solutions presented by Genoil, we are aware that there are good ideas already invented on oil-spill cleanup that are on the move now.

Ideally contests to cap the spill are in order. Unfortunately X Prize representatives admitted that at this time they are unable to obtain enough data to launch a contest for a solution to capping the gulf oil well so instead they are focusing this contest on cleanup. My hope is that the true winner of such a challenge will address both issues, and with tens of thousands of entries, it is entirely possible.

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23 thoughts on “Gulf Oil Spill Solutions ~ X Prize Considers a New Multimillion Dollar Oil Spill Clean-up Challenge”

  1. I desing pipe is idea l fix oil spill 3 yaer pass bp dont want pay bp only made fraud more fraud for dont pay idea fix oil spill june 2010 I have all prove I save world and of gorbement not dowing nothing thank

  2. I desing pipe is idea l fix oil spill 3 yaer pass bp dont want pay bp only made fraud more fraud for dont pay idea fix oil spill june 2010 I have all prove I save world and of gorbement not dowing nothing thank

  3. I desingn pipe for stop. Oil spill in 17 June 2010 now bp dont want pay me I’m. Hispani I’m give idea. Fix to bp. I have prove. In my compute bp made fraud I. See in news

  4. Im save world and ocean oil spill in 28 June 2010 I give to bp all informecion how made pipe for stop oil spill of gorfo of Mexico 28 June 2010 I going all people new medicin and new machine is my time help people My xprize I going to help people thank : Jose f blanco

  5. I find this challenge to be what appears to be rigged. They flat our refuse to allow absorbents to enter the contest regardless of being approved absorbent for open waters by the EPA. I think a serious cross reference of who actually funds this i.e.any big oil companies? I am sure there are surprise to be found when one peals away the layers of he onion skin. Just my opinion from my own observations.

  6. WRONG CELL NUMBER Sry. Or install another Blowout Preventer al TOGETHER!!! Take that original blowout preventer rite out. John Bear 13062020366 Text only please

  7. Environmentalists are combating more oil spills around the globe than at any other period in history, yet little has been achieved in devising methods to prevent the damage incurred by oil spills. Current technology cannot control or remove all the oil spill of this magnitude. What they don’t remove will cause massive devastation to worlds of sea life. When this oil engulfs sandy beaches and wetlands where still water exists, the prospect of successful restoration to its natural habate using present methods and technology are only an attempt to completely remove the oil and are useless.
    Wax technology for treating and removing oil can be explained in a simplified and elementary manner by utilizing basic fundamental principles: Oils and fuels do not dilute with water therefore, they float to the surface as doe’s liquid wax. When combining oil and wax together ether by pouring or spraying onto the oil just when it reaches the surface, the many solvents in the fresh oil help dissolve the wax into itself thereby forming into a non contaminating solid.
    This wax technology has been proven to be cost efficient, effective, expedient, and reliable for removing oil from anywhere in all weather conditions. Furthermore, its application poses no threats to marine life or its habitat. The oil/wax solid can easily be recovered, and then shipped by a barge to the Refinery to where the oil was going to be distilled, and recover the wax to be used over and over until all the oil is removed and when the rushing oil bleeds dry.
    All of this wildlife death could have been prevented had they used the wax method in the very beginning. Every fisherman would have had a job removing wax/oil from the water and loaded on that big brag. It is not too late to save much of what wildlife is left using the right wax at the right time, NOW. Wax must be used to treat the oil at the point when it reaches the water surface. What is not picked up by the fisherman can be left to go adrift onto the shores and wetlands, around Florida Pan Handle into the Atlantic. And up the east coast of Canada as a none contaminating solid. The oil companies have more wax than is needed to help fix this mess……….Remember, they get to keep there oil and get the wax back.
    [email protected] William E. Nelson 613 2671508

    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  8. con..
    Envision in your mind worlds of sea creatures being suddenly engulfed by oil, killing most and the remainder is forced to vacate to locations that are uninhabitable and die anyway. Envision helpless birds plastered alive on a thick oiled beach or on the water with there down and feathers saturated in poisonous like molasses, awaiting there unavoidable slow death. Do birds think too? I often ponder what they are thinking about us?
    The extent of oil spill damage to worlds of marine life in the sea, or within the hallows of a thousand hidden tide pools along coastal rocky shores and wetlands, is immeasurable, and unfathomable for decades to follow. In all instances these habitats are irreparable and irreplaceable, because man’s greed for oil took that away.
    As the demand for oil continues to surge, the amount of oil in transit and off shore drilling is growing rapidly and presents a constant inevitable threat of annihilation to much of sea life forms and creatures in the Gulf of Mexico. The unforeseeable consequences of an oil spill caused by whatever means may never cease to exist. In our lifetime perhaps.
    The degree of entropy of our Earth, which is the measure of the disorder on our planet, is rapidly increasing. It is man’s technology that it causing it, and his responsibility to fix and prevent further destruction before the problem becomes irreversible and to late.
    If the Gulf oil spill is not contained if and during a storm surge of any magnitude, it will breach the mini floating containment device’s that are suppose to hold back the splashing waves of oil. When this happens, and it will, the creatures that dwell near and beneath that part of the sea will surely parish. Wax has been proven and has shown to be the ultimate solution to fight oil spills on land and on sea. When spraying wax onto oil as it reaches the water surface, the fresh oil and all the solvent properties still within the oil will instantly dissolve the wax, thereby rendering the oil into a non adhesive or contaminating solid. Fish could swim through it and birds can land on it without being contaminated or harmed in any way. The wax/oil becomes manageable and could be removed with fish nets.
    Beaches coated with thick oil, or skunk oil, can be removed quite easily by spraying the correct pressurized wax into the oil coated sand, then roll the oil off the sand like it was a rug, leaving only clean sand.. This method has been demonstrated and used under contract and direction of Environment Canada during the Passage Island spill in 1974 which is off the coast of British Columbia, This was a nesting ground for hundreds of sea birds and it was two week’s before the hatch. The oil was removed from the Island’s rocks, tidal pools and sandy beach. No wildlife was killed or harmed. It was demonstrated again for the US Coast Guard in 1979 in the Gulf of Mexico during that oil pipe blowout. I only repeated the method I used at Passage Island. It worked then and it will work now.
    For many years spills such as crude, bunker or diesel fuel resulting from the collision of ships into one another or crashing into reefs and shorelines, or pipeline fractures that have been left unattended or uncontrolled or blowouts on off shore drilling, result in immense devastation. These threats are recognized by environmentalists and oil companies. Its they, who have the responsibility to prevent or clean up the enormity of the resulting consequences,
    Environmentalists are combating more oil spills around the globe than at any other period in history, yet little has been achieved in devising methods to prevent the damage incurred by oil spills. Current technology cannot control or remove all the oil spill of this magnitude. What they don’t remove will cause massive devastation to worlds of sea life. When this oil engulfs sandy beaches and wetlands where still water exists, the prospect of successful restoration to its natural habate using present methods and technology are only an attempt to completely remove the oil and are useless.
    Wax technology for treating and removing oil can be explained in a simplified and elementary manner by utilizing basic fundamental principles: Oils and fuels do not dilute with water therefore, they float to the surface as doe’s liquid wax. When combining oil and wax together ether by pouring or spraying onto the oil just when it reaches the surface, the many solvents in the fresh oil help dissolve the wax into itself thereby forming into a non contaminating solid.
    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  9. July 9th 2010

    It is never to late to help: GULF OIL SPILL
    We are about to battle an oil spill like no other on Earth. The Environmental Scientists have no answers yet how to close the severed artery of this living planet. They do not possess the knowledge and know how to prevent, or deal with the aftermath this oils devastation to our shorelines and wetlands. We are not dealing with just crude oil, we are dealing with an entirely new compound consisting of crude oil, water and the deadly dispersant, and (COREXIT), my friend Kirk and I coined the word, “SKUNK OIL”.
    Using basic wax technology can be a great help in lessening the results and affects of this spill, both with and without dispersants when removing from an oil coated beach. Respirators would be mandatory during this procedure and during the healing process between the wax and skunk oil to take place. Seconds after the healing process while the wax/oil is in a Simi solid state, it can be rolled up like a giant rug using several people. This is a new compound now, and the wax will locked in all the poisonous vapors that would have become airborne if not treated using this method.
    Many of the inland Cities in the Gulf could be contaminated with Corexit in the event of a storm serge or hurricane. This material will become airborne and rain down oil/Corexit everywhere. Contaminated rain clouds will shroud the inland Gulf countryside. The oil rain will poison and destroy the plant life, and then the insects will die, the birds. Farmer’s fields of crop will die. The live stock will eat the hay and die and man will eat the livestock. The contaminated water will go directly into the ground water then into the drinking water. Many people will have to evacuate from the Gulf of Mexico because of this. Water is the most precious and abundant liquid on the face of our planet of which all life forms are dependent on for their existence. It quenches the thirst, nurtures growth, and hosts a multitude of life forms essential to delicate food chains through which we survive and exist, and when harnessed, provides energy so essential to modern civilization and mankind and we could not live without it. This spill is destroying the very thing that keeps us alive. Many cities in the Gulf could turn out be ghost Cities because of oil/Corexit rain. A good example of what a ghost City would look like is to imagine walking through the radioactive ghost City of Pripyat, of 60,000 in Chernobyl; Man could not survive in these kinds of conditions. Water hundreds of miles around Chernobyl and all its water tributaries will stay poisoned with radiation for the next 150,000 years. This oil/Corexit rain will do the same thing to the Gulf. but may only take 300 years to recover or become stable again. Are we so lucky ?
    Oil, which is the next most vital abundant liquid in the world, has become a vital commodity utilized and solicited by almost every country in the world. It serves not only as an essential fuel, but its derivatives are used as components for a myriad of many hydrocarbon byproducts that we rely on today and wax in one of them. Since oil is bountiful in only select countries and locations, the growing market has necessitated the formation of transportation alternatives to evolve on a very large scale. These consist of off shore oil rigs such as the Deepwater Horizon, shipping routes serving the colossal tankers filled with deadly oil, They all play havoc with the forces of high seas. We must not forget about the winding, twisting pipe lines that stretch for thousands of miles across the delicate tundra of our wilderness throughout the North.
    Oil is beneficial in today’s life and for the standard of living in today’s world. Yet when a large oil spill accidents occurs, the results are catastrophic, it will engulf everything in their wake leaving a trail of destruction that can take a hundred centuries to recover. The cost cannot be estimated or measured in billions of dollars and cents, it is measured in the death of the sea creatures and wildlife that it manes and consumes. This wax method could have been used and prevented much death to worlds of sealife.
    Envision in your mind worlds of sea creatures being suddenly engulfed by oil, killing most and the con..
    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  10. Or install another Blowout Preventer. Take that original blowout preventer rite out. John Bear 13062020355 Text only please

  11. This is a machine designed for cleaning up oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Brief description of Figures: The figure was uploaded to The link is:

    Fig.1: Item 1 is an oil pan, formed by items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Item 3 and 4 are oil guides. Item 8 and 9 are floats. Items 15-19 are oil sweepers, moving towards the oil pan.

    Fig. 2: Fig.2 is a cross section in Fig.1 cut at plan A_A and seen in the direction of the arrows. Item 7 is a door that moves up and down depending oil level coming towards it. One end of each oil sweepers 15-19 is hung on the chain 14. The other ends of sweepers are hung on another chain that is not shown. Items 12 and 13 are chain wheels for chain 14. There are two more chain wheels with another chain, which are close to item 4. They are not shown. There are more sweepers on upper half of chain 14. They are not shown. Item 10 is a oil pump. Item 11 is a water pump. Item 20 is water level in the ocean.

    There is at least one oil sweeper to move oil on water between the oil guides 3 and 4 towards the oil pan. There are some sensors on inner sides of guides 3 or 4 to determent oil level outside the door 7. The door is moved up and down according the oil level outside the door to let most oil in. Water pump 11 pumps out water from the oil pan. Oil pump10 pumps oil to a tank in the ship. There are sensors in the oil pan to detect oil level in the oil pan. Water pump runs when there is too much water in the oil pan. Oil pump runs when oil in the oil pan is exceeds certain level.
    There are many oil pans linked in a line between two ships, moving in the oil spill area.

  12. Take off that" Blowout Prventer" And put ina new thread for the remaining pipe thats in the ocean floor. And screw in another pipe and have the oil go through to the surface where it can be put into a Oil Tanker. John Bear 1-306-665-9072

  13. Wax onto oil renders the oil into a non adhesive, non contaminating solid. Fish can swim through it and birds can land onto it without being harmed, and it will not contaminate the wetlands. Oil companies could have used their own wax, the same wax that comes from the very oil being lost, and would have prevented this mess. Here is the best part, They get the wax back after refining. The wax can be used over and over until the oil bleed out, if that what it takes. BP and EXXON have a abundance of wax to treat oil spills. Application method: Spray the wax onto the oil as it reaches the water surface and let it go adrift as a solid and be removed with fish nets, then dumped into a barge to be sent to a refinery so that the wax can be reused. This method has been proven many times in the past 40 years. See videos showing this process here.. www,
    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  14. BP has more wax than anyone in the world, so why not use it to solidify the oil as it reaches the surface and let it go adrift as a non contaminating solid .Wax can be sprayed onto oil coated beaches then rolled up like a rug. Wax can be sprayed onto wetlands in a granulated form and the oil quickly removed. The wax used comes from the very oil gushing from the damaged well. These methods have been proven. Wax was used to remove oil from sand, rocks and tidal pools during the Passage Island spill in 1974, It was a nesting ground for hundreds of sea birds. Not one bird lost its life. This was also demonstrated for the US Coast Guard in 1979 during that spill in the Gulf of Mexico. If it worked then, then it will work right now. See these three videos showing this method, I just returned from LA and demonstrated this method. A video will be released this week to the local media. Also view videos on Facebook, Wax For Oil Spills. The oil and wax can be recovered and the wax can be refined and used over and over until all the oil is removed. My E-mail address is [email protected] Ph # 613 2671508 Thanx

    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  15. I envisioned, and pondered about how to seal the large almost vertical pipe with most of the oil coming from it. I have kept my eye on that particular pipe by watching it from several angles on Youtube and Google Videos. I don’t know the exact dimensions of that leaking pipe, so I will assume that it is a twenty one inch diameter pipe one inch thick? If that’s the case, then I have a simple basic solution to plug it.

    A Cad Computer would be handy, and then this could be better illustrated in a clearer form. So please invasion a ship having a large crane lowering down a long tapering steal pin with a weight that exceeds the PSI of the oil gushing from the open mouth of the pipe.

    This pin must be lowered very slowly into the mouth of the pipe with precision accuracy by the use of two stabilized lasers to create cross hairs above the lip of the pipe, and through the gushing oil. GPS can be used to assist guiding the pin down through the reverse vortex of the flowing oil.

    When the point of the pin is just below the lip, or partially into the mouth of the pipe, then there is no chance for the pin to be pushed aside by the pressure of the oil because the pin is now in the pipe.

    At this point the pin can be lowered down from the ship above. I must add that the pin is wrapped in 2 to 4 inches thick of lead shielding mid way up the pin. The lead is very malleable and will displace any ragged edges. The weight and pressure of the pin will stretch and compress the lead onto the inner wall of the pipe to assure no leakage…

    Using a rounded tip pin to insert into the pipe would be impossible because of resistance against the rounded end.
    When the pipe is plugged, a stainless steal dome can be placed over the caped pipe and sealed permanently in cement.

    Job well done, and Hope this helps………thanx

    My recent post June 10th 2010 – CBC Connect- with Mark Kelly

  16. I envisioned, and pondered about how to seal the large almost vertical pipe with most of the oil coming from it. I have kept my eye on that particular pipe by watching it from several angles on Youtube and Google Videos. I don’t know the exact dimensions of that leaking pipe, so I will assume that it is a twenty one inch diameter pipe one inch thick? If that’s the case, then I have a simple basic solution to plug it.

    A Cad Computer would be handy, and then this could be better illustrated in a clearer form. So please invasion a ship having a large crane lowering down a long tapering steal pin with a weight that exceeds the PSI of the oil gushing from the open mouth of the pipe.

    This pin must be lowered very slowly into the mouth of the pipe with precision accuracy by the use of two stabilized lasers to create cross hairs above the lip of the pipe, and through the gushing oil. GPS can be used to assist guiding the pin down through the reverse vortex of the flowing oil.

    When the point of the pin is just below the lip, or partially into the mouth of the pipe, then there is no chance for the pin to be pushed aside by the pressure of the oil because the pin is now in the pipe.

    At this point the pin can be lowered down from the ship above. I must add that the pin is wrapped in 2 to 4 inches thick of lead shielding mid way up the pin. The lead is very malleable and will displace any ragged edges. The weight and pressure of the pin will stretch and compress the lead onto the inner wall of the pipe to assure no leakage…

    Using a rounded tip pin to insert into the pipe would be impossible because of resistance against the rounded end.
    When the pipe is plugged, a stainless steal dome can be placed over the caped pipe and sealed permanently in cement.

    Job well done, and Hope this helps………thanx

  17. Send oxidiser down, for example to a suitably modified "1st" large 125 ton dome, and burn all the gunk in situ:

    Or, for more confidence:

    If Prof. Wereley's estimate of around 50 kBarrels/day, about 25 gals/sec., the required burn rate would be short of that of 22 747-200 or 300 Jumbo Jets (1st hafl of cruise).

    Easy peasy.


    All the Best,

    Dennis Revell.

    P.S: If you'r e still feeling "chicken", tinyurls link to the following full URL 'mouthful':

  18. Great points Joseph. Your suggestions are admirable. I hope that a solution is applied to the burst pipe asap, we need to be trying on all these ideas to solve this problem. This spill will help advancements in underwater robotics, reverse engineering, green chemistry, and more with regards to helping patch up our planet so it can heal.

  19. Joseph Zannoni

    Two suggestions: 1. attach a flexible synthetic sleeve around the pipe that runs continuously to the surface that would channel the oil and gas to the surface where it can be captured, pumped or vented. The width of the sleeve and material of construction can be designed to withstand the pressures and manage the flow rate of the oil and gas. 2. insert a pipe with an expandable bladder attached to the outside of the pipe into the current opening. gradually expand the bladder to restrict the flow outside of the inserted pipe and divert it into the inserted pipe.

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