Fragile Earth App (Just in Time for Earth Day!)

fragile earth app earth day

Collins and Aimer Media have just released the Fragile Earth app, available from the iTunes app store. Coincidentally, it was released just before Earth Day! The app works with all devices compatible with ioS4.2 and above, and it has been optimized for the new iPad.

Here’s a video on the app followed by more info from the YouTube page:

See the world change in front of your eyes with the Fragile Earth app. This stunning new photography app gives a bird’s-eye view of natural and man-made locations from around the world as they undergo dramatic changes through climate change, urbanization and nature’s raw power.

This innovative app, which is being launched on 19th April 2012 by Collins, in partnership with Aimer Media, is set to become the definitive reference guide for all those interested in science, nature, photography and landscape.

Fragile Earth’s innovative swipe function allows users to see years pass — from as far back as 1914 to the present day — under their fingertips by dragging multiple photographic layers across their smart screen to reveal images of a site before, during and after the landscape has changed.

Through some of the most powerful images of the world available, Fragile Earth provides thought-provoking portraits of our world — its beauty, vastness and vulnerability. The app depicts rivers which have dried up or flooded, erupted volcanoes, glaciers in the process of melting, and cities sprawling outward.

Other events featured in the app include the landslides in Maierato, Italy, the drying of the Aral Sea, formerly one of the largest lakes in the world, the draining of the Mesopotamia Marshes in Iraq, land reclamation in Ijsselmeer, Netherlands, and the effects of Amazon deforestation in Rondônia, Brazil.

Fragile Earth is arranged into the following sections: Natural Phenomena, Warming World, Water’s Power, Deserts and Drought, Man’s Impact, and Wild Weather. The images can be viewed by location, category and date, and shared via Facebook, Twitter, or email without leaving the app, helping to spread consciousness about the planet.

Fragile Earth conveys the innate and delicate beauty of the world’s landscape, and highlights dramatic shifts that are taking place across the globe. It is invaluable to anyone concerned for the state of the Earth.

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