Former Costa Rica President José María Figueres was a speaker at the Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue in November and gave a strong speech on the low carbon economy — clip of that below. And some text, if you prefer text:
Figueres noted that we shouldmake a “concerted effort” to fight and win two “wars” we have a responsibility to fight. “One is a war against poverty and inequality…. And the other war is the war on climate change,” Figueres said. “I would respectfully propose, amigos and amigas, that we can fight and win both wars with the same instruments. … What we must take back is that there is no Planet B.”
Will global leaders come to their senses in the midst of the climate change negotiations in Durban, South Africa and protect our only planet, planet A?
Hope and action are all we have. If the results are not strong enough, we are certainly going to have a might time surviving here on planet A.