Environmental & Climate Science News {Weekly Round-Up}

Top environmental and climate science news of the past week or so.

Ocean Acidification

  1. OA not OK part 8: 170 to 1
  2. OA not OK part 7: Le Chatelier not good enough for ocean acidification
  3. OA not OK part 6: Always take the weathering

Arctic Sea Ice

  1. Extreme North Pole Heat Contributing to Rapid Loss of Sea Ice
  2. NSIDC: Early Sea Ice Melt Onset, Soaring North Pole Temperatures, Presage Rapid 2011 Summer Decline
  3. Extreme Heat Takes Arctic Sea Ice To Record Lows
  4. With Arctic Ice at Record Low, NSIDC Director Serreze says “we are on track to see an ice-free summer by 2030. It is an overall downward spiral.”
  5. WATCH: Warming Arctic Interactive Exhibit

Social Cost of Carbon Emissions

  1. Are We Drastically Underestimating the ‘Social Cost’ of Carbon Emissions?
  2. Economists Urge Honest Accounting of Carbon’s True Costs

Whitebark Pine & Climate Change

  1. Western forests: Whitebark pine in danger of extinction
  2. It’s Official: Whitebark Pine Trees are Endangered by Climate Change

Climate “Skeptics”

  1. News Corp and the Hacked Climategate Emails: Time for an Independent Investigation
  2. Climate sceptic group launches ‘closed’ wiki
  3. The Late, Great Climate Scientist Dr. Schneider Taking on a Room of Skeptics (Video)
  4. Sorry, Deniers, the Earth Just Keeps Warming — Thanks to Us
  5. Climate Science Denier Brandishes Noose to Scientist
  6. Climate sceptic told he’s not in House of Lords
  7. Investigation Hits at Climate Change Denier’s “Science”
  8. David Legates Asked To Step Down As Delaware State Climatologist
  9. On Experts and Global Warming
  10. Monckton at odds with the very scientists he cites

Hot Summers, Really Hot Summers

  1. NOAA: Global Warming Summer To Continue With Floods, Heat, Drought
  2. U.S. Heat Wave Shows No Signs Of Ending: ‘The Trend Is Not Our Friend’
  3. Texas drought now far, far worse than when Gov. Rick Perry issued proclamation calling on all Texans to pray for rain
  4. Damn! 400+ High Temperature Records Broken in US
  5. Global temperatures were seventh warmest on record for June
  6. Why Wasn’t The Hottest Decade Hotter?
  7. After Story on Monster Heat Wave, NBC Asks “What Explains This?” The Answer: “We’re Stuck in a Summer Pattern”!

More Climate & Environmental Science

  1. Why The Colorado River Stopped Flowing
  2. Urban Green Space Key in Improving Air Quality
  3. SkS Weekly Digest #7
  4. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: William Kellogg
  5. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Wallace Broecker
  6. Carter Confusion #3: Surface Temperature Record Cherries
  7. Citizen Science: Climatology for Everyone
  8. More Evidence of the Importance of Forests: They’re Even Bigger Carbon Sinks than Thought
  9. The impact of devegetated dune fields on North American climate during the late Medieval Climate…
  10. Post Carbon Institute Analysis Suggests Shale Gas (Still) Worse Than Coal For Climate
  11. Thinning on top and bulging at the waist: symptoms of an ailing planet
  12. As America’s “Last Best River” Suffers Through Exxon Spill, Experts Warn of Risks from Keystone XL Pipeline

Image via Climate Progress

1 thought on “Environmental & Climate Science News {Weekly Round-Up}”

  1. I just have 2 basic questions for the author.

    How did you pick 1979-2000 for the baseline? It just seems so random. I would pick, like 1980-2000, or say 1975-2000, you know, round numbers. Why not a baseline of 1960-1980? I just wonder how you decided the baseline would cover 22 years, rather than 20 or 25, and that those 22 years would be 1979-2000. It just seems odd.

    The other thing is, why 2007, 2010, 2011, where are 2008 and 2009? Again, it just seems kinda randomly selected years.

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