Top environmental and climate science news of the past week or so.
Ocean Acidification
- OA not OK part 8: 170 to 1
- OA not OK part 7: Le Chatelier not good enough for ocean acidification
- OA not OK part 6: Always take the weathering
Arctic Sea Ice
- Extreme North Pole Heat Contributing to Rapid Loss of Sea Ice
- NSIDC: Early Sea Ice Melt Onset, Soaring North Pole Temperatures, Presage Rapid 2011 Summer Decline
- Extreme Heat Takes Arctic Sea Ice To Record Lows
- With Arctic Ice at Record Low, NSIDC Director Serreze says “we are on track to see an ice-free summer by 2030. It is an overall downward spiral.”
- WATCH: Warming Arctic Interactive Exhibit
Social Cost of Carbon Emissions
- Are We Drastically Underestimating the ‘Social Cost’ of Carbon Emissions?
- Economists Urge Honest Accounting of Carbon’s True Costs
Whitebark Pine & Climate Change
- Western forests: Whitebark pine in danger of extinction
- It’s Official: Whitebark Pine Trees are Endangered by Climate Change
Climate “Skeptics”
- News Corp and the Hacked Climategate Emails: Time for an Independent Investigation
- Climate sceptic group launches ‘closed’ wiki
- The Late, Great Climate Scientist Dr. Schneider Taking on a Room of Skeptics (Video)
- Sorry, Deniers, the Earth Just Keeps Warming — Thanks to Us
- Climate Science Denier Brandishes Noose to Scientist
- Climate sceptic told he’s not in House of Lords
- Investigation Hits at Climate Change Denier’s “Science”
- David Legates Asked To Step Down As Delaware State Climatologist
- On Experts and Global Warming
- Monckton at odds with the very scientists he cites
Hot Summers, Really Hot Summers
- NOAA: Global Warming Summer To Continue With Floods, Heat, Drought
- U.S. Heat Wave Shows No Signs Of Ending: ‘The Trend Is Not Our Friend’
- Texas drought now far, far worse than when Gov. Rick Perry issued proclamation calling on all Texans to pray for rain
- Damn! 400+ High Temperature Records Broken in US
- Global temperatures were seventh warmest on record for June
- Why Wasn’t The Hottest Decade Hotter?
- After Story on Monster Heat Wave, NBC Asks “What Explains This?” The Answer: “We’re Stuck in a Summer Pattern”!
More Climate & Environmental Science
- Why The Colorado River Stopped Flowing
- Urban Green Space Key in Improving Air Quality
- SkS Weekly Digest #7
- Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: William Kellogg
- Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Wallace Broecker
- Carter Confusion #3: Surface Temperature Record Cherries
- Citizen Science: Climatology for Everyone
- More Evidence of the Importance of Forests: They’re Even Bigger Carbon Sinks than Thought
- The impact of devegetated dune fields on North American climate during the late Medieval Climate…
- Post Carbon Institute Analysis Suggests Shale Gas (Still) Worse Than Coal For Climate
- Thinning on top and bulging at the waist: symptoms of an ailing planet
- As America’s “Last Best River” Suffers Through Exxon Spill, Experts Warn of Risks from Keystone XL Pipeline
Image via Climate Progress
I just have 2 basic questions for the author.
How did you pick 1979-2000 for the baseline? It just seems so random. I would pick, like 1980-2000, or say 1975-2000, you know, round numbers. Why not a baseline of 1960-1980? I just wonder how you decided the baseline would cover 22 years, rather than 20 or 25, and that those 22 years would be 1979-2000. It just seems odd.
The other thing is, why 2007, 2010, 2011, where are 2008 and 2009? Again, it just seems kinda randomly selected years.