Eco-Friendly, Vegan Shoes! (Review)

eco-friendly vegan shoes san francisco

I was so excited recently to have the opportunity to get eco-friendly, vegan shoes from Unstitched Utilities and review them. I live in Poland, where you cannot get these shoes yet, but this summer we went to the US to visit family. We got to Florida on Day 3, where the shoes were shipped. Since most of the time in Florida was spent on the beach or in the car, there was no chance to really experience them there.

I was finally able to wear my new shoes in San Francisco for the first time. And for those who have never been there, San Francisco is very hilly. We were walking up and down the hills of San Fran for about 5 hours sightseeing the city. And guess what? The shoes didn’t give me any blisters, which is completely unusual for me.

What should also be highlighted, is that I played basketball and a little bit of tennis with the family in my new Unstitched shoes, and they were just perfect. Comfortable to wear, easy to clean, environmentally friendly — is there anything else you need from your shoes?

ecofriendly vegan shoeI ordered HUNG UP DEMI and fell in love with them even before trying them on. These Unstitched Utilities shoes are super light, but at the same time, due to being made of Tyvek material, they are very strong. “Our Unpressed collection features Tyvek® material,” Unstitched writes. “Tyvek is a material that is recyclable, lightweight and looks like paper, but is stronger than leather. We are fusing fashion with the environment.”

The material really does look like paper. I was originally concerned it might not last long… before reading that line.

Unstitched Utilities is the first company to use Tyvek for manufacturing shoes. As a result, consumers get eco-friendly and vegan footwear. This is a great way to green your wardrobe,… and thus, your life!

To add to that, Unstitched donates a percentage of its profits from the Unpressed collection “to help environmental causes all over the world, one shoe at a time.”

If you’ve tried out these shoes, let us know what you think of them in the comments below!

For more on the company, visit the Unstitched Utilities website.

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