Keeping up with all the environmental news (i.e. growing environmental problems, environmental failures by politicians, environmental disasters, and a few success stories here and there) can be tiring, frustrating, and saddening. I think it’s important for anyone interested in these matters to take a step back and view life from a wider perspective from time to time.
Underneath all of these problems and half-hearted attempts to solve them is a perfection, an order & unbreakable system, and life, itself.
Underneath all of this is existence, and perhaps even something beyond this physical existence.
Of course, we have, on the detailed level, a trillion and one problems, but if we lose perspective, we create one more problem (and it is a big one). If we lose our own balance, we lose touch with the essence in us that can create positive change in the world.
If we want to help humanity and the natural world, we have to keep our own balance.
And beyond keeping a balance, in order to walk forward in a positive manner, we need to make sure we have not loaded ourselves down with too much.
We have one body in this world, last time I checked. Though there are countless problems in the world, we are but one tiny part of the problems, and of the solutions.
Of course, we can all think of people who have gone beyond “doing their part” and have lifted the world to a higher place (to a greater degree than most could ever hope to) — Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, and Nelson Mandela, for example.
But did these heroes do so by losing perspective, by drowning themselves with too many troubles and concerns? Did they let their efforts get confused and their actions get negated by taking on too many issues? I think they did not.
So, we too, simple human beings trying to do our part, need to find and keep some perspective in the middle of our efforts. We, as well, have to make sure we keep a balance and not try to lift too much.
I hope that these Cool Your Green Mind Monday writings will help you and help me in our efforts to do so.