Top climate science news of the past day:
Live Q&A with Climate Scientist Dr Michael Mann (TODAY)
The UK’s Guardian is hosting a live question and answer with Dr. Michael Mann, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, today. To participate, head on over to Guardian post linked above at 4:00pm GMT (11am EST).
Snowy Winters Are Fueled by Global Warming
“The blockbuster snowstorms and frigid temperatures seen in much of the northern hemisphere during the past few winters are in part the result of global warming-related Arctic sea ice loss, according to a new study published Monday,” Andrew Freedman and Climate Central notes. “The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds clear links between the precipitous decline of Arctic sea ice and severe winter weather in Europe, Asia, and parts of the U.S. during the past several years.”
Humans Acidifying Everything!
Not good news from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). A new study led by the USGS finds: “Human use of Earth’s natural resources is making the air, oceans, freshwaters, and soils more acidic.” This could cause some HUGE survival problems for the human species (as well as many others).
Bird Migrations Getting Screwed with from Global Warming & Climate Change
A new study out of UNC-Chapel Hill (where I got my master’s degree!) has found that small changes in the climate could have a drastic effect on bird migration and bird populations around the world. Concerning.
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Images: Michael Mann screenshot of Guardian video; Europe snowscape via shutterstock; thermometer in front of globe via shutterstock; European starlings via etgeek (Eric)