Climate Reality Project Takes Over Infamous Heartland Institute Billboard Spot in Chicago

The Climate Reality Project has put up some excellent billboards essentially in response to the horrible Heartland Institute billboards that cost the organization numerous sponsors and the little respect it had. The Climate Reality Project’s billboards will be put up all around the area of the Heartland Institute’s upcoming climate change conference, too. Here’s a full repost of Maggie Fox’s Climate Reality post:

Recently, the Heartland Institute put up — and just as quickly pulled down after a firestorm of criticism — a truly bizarre billboard in Chicago attempting to equate climate science with radicals and murderers. Since the billboard was suddenly and unexpectedly empty, we thought we would take the opportunity to remind Heartland who is really on the fringe here.

So in advance of the Heartland Institute’s annual conference next week, we’re putting our own ad in its place. We’re also putting up eight other billboards nearby — so that Chicagoans and everyone at the conference will see our response.

Of course it’s more than just every major national academy of science in the world that understands the science and the threat we all face from the climate crisis. It’s also businesses large and smalldoctors and nursesreligious leadersmilitary leaders, governments and concerned citizens everywhere. So the next time someone tries to tell you climate change is a hoax, remember you’ve got reality (and just about everyone else) on your side.

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