Climate Change May Cause Large Ecosystem Changes, NASA Reports


“By 2100, global climate change will modify plant communities covering almost half of Earth’s land surface and will drive the conversion of nearly 40 percent of land-based ecosystems from one major ecological community type – such as forest, grassland or tundra – toward another, according to a new NASA and university computer modeling study,” an article published on Skeptical Science yesterday noted.

“In addition to altering plant communities, the study predicts climate change will disrupt the ecological balance between interdependent and often endangered plant and animal species, reduce biodiversity and adversely affect Earth’s water, energy, carbon and other element cycles.”

4 thoughts on “Climate Change May Cause Large Ecosystem Changes, NASA Reports”

  1. We condemned
    our children to the greenhouse gas chambers like fear mongering neocons with
    the spear of climate change fear stuck in their backs for 25 shameful years. It
    wasn’t true because it was “thankfully” exaggerated and now the backlash will
    keep us out of power for a decade. Climate change was our Iraq War of climate
    WMD lies and like the majority of progressives out there now, our family is
    grateful a disaster of unimaginable proportions has been avoided. The progressive
    train has left you at the station because Obama never even mentioned the “crisis”
    in his state of the union address in the 25th year of hysterical climate
    crisis warnings. YES pollution is real, death for all by Human Monkey Gas was
    not and real planet lovers and real progressives are happy about it, not disappointed.

    1. mememine: there is no evidence the threat of climate change we exaggerated. At least 9 independent investigations have confirmed that. The projections just get worse and worse, as we are so slow to respond — like frogs in a slowly heating pot.

      There’s a reason nearly every overarching scientific organization in the world fully supports the findings of the climate scientists.

  2. We condemned
    our children to the greenhouse gas chambers like fear mongering neocons with
    the spear of climate change fear stuck in their backs for 25 shameful years. It
    wasn’t true because it was “thankfully” exaggerated and now the backlash will
    keep us out of power for a decade. Climate change was our Iraq War of climate
    WMD lies and like the majority of progressives out there now, our family is
    grateful a disaster of unimaginable proportions has been avoided. The progressive
    train has left you at the station because Obama never even mentioned the “crisis”
    in his state of the union address in the 25th year of hysterical climate
    crisis warnings. YES pollution is real, death for all by Human Monkey Gas was
    not and real planet lovers and real progressives are happy about it, not disappointed.

    1. mememine: there is no evidence the threat of climate change we exaggerated. At least 9 independent investigations have confirmed that. The projections just get worse and worse, as we are so slow to respond — like frogs in a slowly heating pot.

      There’s a reason nearly every overarching scientific organization in the world fully supports the findings of the climate scientists.

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