On the same day that Senate Republicans filibustered a vote for renewable energy in the USA… China published an astoundingly ambitious and exciting renewable energy plan for the next ten years.
China’s plan is to get a total of 500 Gigawatts of renewable energy on the grid by 2020. It explodes wind power from a mere 25 GW on the grid now, to a staggering 150 GW, a six-fold increase on the previous already ambitious plan.
To put that in perspective: the US will have added 16 GW of all renewable energy combined once the Obama administration Recovery Act funds are allocated – which, while a fabulous change for us, because it doubles the entire last thirty years of renewables on the grid – pales by comparison with 500 GW.
If there is one country we climate hawks should be happy is not run like America, it is China. Because China is the world’s factory. And carbon emissions from the world’s factory are about to get lower. And that is a good thing.
There are a few paragraphs from a great piece on some major clean energy news just out on Friday. Read the whole story on our sister site, Cleantechnica: China Adding 500 Gigawatts of Renewable Power by 2020!
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Photo Credit: Sprengben [why not get a friend] via flickr (CC license)