Bill Maher Nails Inequality — Crazy Inequality Facts (Video + Stats)

There are a lot of great Bill Maher clips out there. He’s great at not only writing funny jokes, but also pull out amazing facts and stats to highlight. Watch this video below, share it, and check out & share the text facts shared again below the video.

  • The 85 richest people own more than the poorest 3.5 billion, ~half the planet.
  • In the last 30 years, worker productivity went up 90%, but income only went up 8%.
  • During WWII, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proposed a cap on income that in today’s dollars would mean that no person could ever take home more than about $300,000.


And here are some of the best jokes, imho:

“What is with this new trend of people who have all the power acting like they’re the oppressed ones. Heterosexual Christians under siege from gays. White people complaining that reverse racists are trying to strip them of their right to shoot unarmed black men. And most bizarre, the recent wave of billionaires sobbing that they’re being demonized and under attack, and the thing is it’s not just having all the money in the world that’s getting them down…. Stock trader Steven Schwartzman, net worth $8 billion, once said that Obama raising his taxes 3% felt like when Hitler invaded Poland…. Now we have Tom Perkins, net worth $8 billion, saying the richest 1% are so persecuted in America they feel like Jews in Nazi Germany.”

“With just one real estate deal last year, Sam Zell made 1,000 times what this guy makes [stock photo of coal worker]. Did he really work 1,000 times harder?… By the way, that’s a coal miner, not John Boehner.”

“As Warren Buffet once said, I should write a book on how to get by on 500 million, because apparently there’s a lot of people who don’t know how to do it.”

And coming back to this one, since Maher actually made from of himself a bit here:

“During WWII, [President Franklin Delano Roosevelt] actually proposed a cap on income that in today’s dollars would mean that no person could ever take home more than about $300,000…. Okay, that is a little low.”

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