Big Coal Shaping Public School Education–Really!

This cartoon was inspired by the Washington Post article, “Energy industry shapes lessons in public schools.”

Big Coal may be molding our youth with pro-coal propaganda, but worry not, Big Coal also offers a “green” video to teachers called “The Greening of Planet Earth,” which says that “our world is deficient in carbon dioxide, and a doubling of atmospheric CO2 is very beneficial.”

Doubling the CO2 is good for you. By you they mean their bottom line. After all, to Big Coal “you” are either a means to drive profit or block profit. They’re doing what they can to make sure our children do not grow up and do the latter. Of course, they’re also making sure our children grow up with an increased risk of asthma, premature death, and mercury-related illness.

Fortunately, the EPA just set new rules to limit mercury and other toxic emissions. As David Roberts of Grist states, “It will save tens of thousands of lives every year and prevent birth defects, learning disabilities, and respiratory diseases. It will make America a more decent, just, and humane place to live.”

David, and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, must not have gone to a Coalementary School. However, these folks did!

Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon page

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