Antarctic Glacier Crack: Government Scam? (Sarcasm)

antarcitic glacier cracking

I’ve been meaning to write on the crack that has formed in Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier (PIG) for days now. Clearly, this is just another government scam trying to convince us that global warming is happening. I mean, when climate scientists from NASA, NOAA, and several other places claimed that 2010 was tied with 2005 for the hottest year on record and it was the “34th-consecutive year that the global temperature was above average,” I was confused for a short time.

When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore won a nobel prize for their work showing that humans were causing global warming and this was a major concern for the world, and just about every scientific organization in the world supported their work and findings, I thought for a moment that maybe I should give them some respect.

When we supposedly had record disasters costing the world a record amount of money in 2010, I was on the verge of giving in.

And when a temporary climate skeptic (absolutely loved, for a short time, by global warming deniers) conducted a massive statistical study that came to the same findings as several climate science bodies around the world, I thought for a moment I should throw in the towel.

But then it hit me. There’s only one reason why all of these scientists and organizations would be saying the same thing — it’s a big government scam!

Look at this latest news of an Antarctic glacier splitting up and a massive iceberg being created in the process. This is something climate scienitists have been predicting for ages. Clearly, it was all planned. Otherwise, how would they have known? And, clearly, watching the videos of the scientists flying over the Pine Island Glacier right around the time the crack formed, you can see the videos are totally fake. And why did they notice it the same month as Halloween? Come on! Halloween = deception, lies, evil…. But let’s look at this a little more:

“US space agency (Nasa) researchers expect the eventual iceberg to cover about 880 sq km – an area the size of Berlin. It should break away towards the end of the year or early in 2012,” BBC reports.

Why is a UK news agency reporting on news about U.S. climate scientists — you know they’re all tied together financially and making millions off this. And isn’t it odd that the new “iceberg” will be the same size as Berlin. Anyone else see the connections? Berlin — communism, Berlin Wall. It’s the Berlin wall coming back! And an attempt to return us all to communism!

“The surface crack in the PIG runs for almost 30km (20 miles), is 60m (200ft) deep and is growing every day.” Adding up 30, 20, 60, and 200, you get 310. That’s essentially the same as 3/10, one day before the big disasters in Japan — it’s all tied together!

It’s amazing what scientists will do for money! (Thank goodness Republican politicians and intelligent people in the oil and coal industry can see through their lies.)

Plane flying over cracking Pine Island Glacier (PIG) via NASA Goddard Photo and Video on flickr

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