Al Gore Goes Vegan (Enjoying A Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving Right Now)

al goreAl Gore has finally put his money where his mouth is… or put his mouth where his money is. He has apparently gone vegan. He has done so rather discreetly, maybe wanting to make sure he sticks to his guns before making a big announcement, but the news came out this past week in a Forbes article and then in a Washington Post article.

Here’s a bit from the Washington Post article (h/t Climate Denial Crock of the Week):

An individual familiar with Gore’s decision, who asked not to be identified because it involved a personal matter, confirmed that Gore opted a couple of months ago to become vegan. Gore’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It is unclear why Gore, one of the nation’s most visible climate activists, has given up dairy, poultry and meat products. People usually become vegan for environmental, health or ethical reasons, or a combination of these three factors.

Bill Clinton explained in a 2011 interview with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta that he adopted a vegan diet primarily for health considerations. Known for consuming a high-fat cuisine while in office, Clinton — who was 65 at the time — said he realized he had “played Russian roulette” with his health for too long, and that since making the switch, “I feel good, and I also have, believe it or not, more energy.”

As you may know, livestock production is likely the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions… by far. And fighting global warming is obviously Al’s thing. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the impetus for the change. However, there’s a decent chance it could be a health thing, as well.

The funny thing is that Bill Clinton switched to a plant-based diet three years ago (for health reasons). So, if the duo were still in the White House, they’d be the first vegan President and Vice President combo! 😀

Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Mike Tyson (yep, Mike even said, “I wish I was born this way“)… kudos to all of them for switching to a cruelty-free diet. I hope they’re enjoying a scrumptious, cruelty-free Thanksgiving meal right now.

Who’s next?

Photo Credit: Tulane Public Relations / / CC BY

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