Did you know that a literally breathtaking 90% of all cancer risks associated with air pollution originate from human transportation? Or that bumper-to-bumper traffic makes the air inside your car 10 times as polluted as ordinary city air?
To illustrate the health effects of indoor and outdoor air quality degredation, DistanceLearning.com has come up with an excellent sky-blue infographic (below) called “Airing Out the Truths of Air Pollution.”
The chart comes from respected sources such as the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Clean Air, The New York Times, and the Smithsonian Institution. It concludes that if we adopt go-green environmental solutions, we can prevent at least a quarter-million deaths and save $2 trillion per year by 2020.
Thanks for refreshing the discussion on major air pollution sources. In the generally overwhelming theater of enviro. health assaults, all other things being equal, air is first!!!
Thanks for refreshing the discussion on major air pollution sources. In the generally overwhelming theater of enviro. health assaults, all other things being equal, air is first!!!