Argentina has declared 2017 as the ‘Renewable Energy Year’ as the South American country looks to increase awareness about the advantage of renewable energy and the important of sustainability.
A decree issued by the government calls for energy diversification through the use of renewable energy sources in the electricity generation as well as thermal energy sector. The decree states the country’s target to have 20% share of renewable energy in electricity consumption by 2025.
The decree is in-line with Argentina’s adoption of the Paris climate change agreement which calls for comprehensive global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The government is expected to push the use of renewable energy technology this year.
The government has set a target to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% in the energy mix by 2025. Another target called for 8% renewable energy share in electricity consumption by 2017. As a result, several renewable energy auctions are expected to take place in the country over the next few years. The government is expected to auction 10 GW renewable energy capacity by 2025.
In October last year the government allocated 1.1 gigawatts of renewable energy projects through a competitive auction. This included 400 megawatts of solar power capacity; wind energy, bioenergy and small hydro power projects were also allocated. The auction had attracted bids for 6,366 megawatts capacity.
An additional 516 megawatts solar PV capacity was allocated in another auction in November 2016.