Community & Culture

Effects of Global Warming on Humans – From 2015 IPCC SYR Data

Not only posing significant risks for Earth’s natural systems, the effects of global warming on humans and human systems have only recently begun receiving the expanded attention they critically require. From hazardous effects causing potential loss of life, injury, or other negative health impacts, to the potential exposure of social, economic, and infrastructure assets to […]

Effects of Global Warming on Humans – From 2015 IPCC SYR Data Read More 👉

Suriname Tribes Adopt Amazon Rainforest Conservation

Originally published on Taking action to conserve nearly half of Suriname, native tribes have joined in the efforts to protect the Amazon Biome. Declaring an indigenous conservation corridor spanning 72,000 square kilometers (27,799 square miles) of southern Suriname, the Trio and Wayana Communities of Suriname presented a declaration of cooperation to the National Assembly

Suriname Tribes Adopt Amazon Rainforest Conservation Read More 👉

In Spain, Solar Energy Storage is Worse Than Nuclear Spillage

Storing solar energy in a battery in Spain is more criminal than spilling radioactive waste. That’s the implied message written between the lines of a recently drafted law poised for fast-track approval by the government of Spain. Proposed fines for residential and SME use of solar energy self-consumption will be as high as €60 million

In Spain, Solar Energy Storage is Worse Than Nuclear Spillage Read More 👉

World Environment Day (

World Environment Day–Save The Planet!

Seven billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with care. Those are the messages of today, which is World Environment Day everywhere. It’s the biggest day for positive environmental action! The United Nations declares this day every year to energize worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Stakeholders in over 100 countries celebrate through public outreach every June 5. This

World Environment Day–Save The Planet! Read More 👉

IRENA 5-Year 100% Renewables Plan for “The Land of God”

Originally published on A new IRENA report provides a 5-year plan for using Djibouti’s abundant renewable energy sources to solve the nation’s serious concerns regarding rising energy demand, limited energy security, and rampant unemployment. Astonishingly, IRENA claims that by 2020, 100% of Djibouti’s energy demand can be met through renewables. The economic renaissance that

IRENA 5-Year 100% Renewables Plan for “The Land of God” Read More 👉

Enterprise 50M Tree Pledge Marks 10 Years & 10M Trees

(Originally published on With funding from Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation, the Arbor Day Foundation is once again planting 1 million trees throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe this year. This is the tenth year in a row for Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) reforestation initiative, marking the tenth anniversary of its 50 Million

Enterprise 50M Tree Pledge Marks 10 Years & 10M Trees Read More 👉

Energy Independence Donated to Ramakrishna Mission in India

(Originally published on As part of its Social Innovations mission to bring energy independence to 20 million people by 2020, SunEdison, Inc. is installing a 100 kilowatt (kW) solar rooftop system on the Ramakrishna Mission Students’ Home in India. Enabling the approximately 700 students to gain energy independence, the new solar installation will help

Energy Independence Donated to Ramakrishna Mission in India Read More 👉

Google Launches Free EV Shuttle Service in Mountain View, CA

Four new 100% electric community shuttle buses have hit the road in the beautiful Silicon Valley city of Mountain View, California. The four electric shuttles are free to the public, thanks to Google, and are equipped with seating for 16 passengers, a wheelchair lift, space for two wheelchairs, Wi-Fi connectivity, and bicycle racks on the outside

Google Launches Free EV Shuttle Service in Mountain View, CA Read More 👉

Floridians for Solar Choice Ballot Effort Launched by Tea Partiers, Conservative, & Liberals

A recent Floridians For Solar Choice news release relates a breakthrough for Florida and hopefully a bright note for diversity in a backwards state. A broad coalition of Floridians have put forward a ballot initiative for more renewable energy in the state, via policies allowing more renewable energy business models. Conservative groups and others have gathered with lefty

Floridians for Solar Choice Ballot Effort Launched by Tea Partiers, Conservative, & Liberals Read More 👉

Community Solar Power To Blow Up With First Solar Jumping In

There has long been a huge gap in the solar market, a gap between large, utility-scale solar projects and rooftop solar projects. It would be a disservice to numerous companies, organizations, citizen investors, and solar-supportive politicians to say that there has been nothing between those two installation types, but this middle space has long been

Community Solar Power To Blow Up With First Solar Jumping In Read More 👉

How To Advance The EV Revolution (Report)

Originally published on EV Obsession. Some good people at Urban Foresight, the International Energy Agency, the Electric Vehicles Initiative, and Clean Energy Ministerial have put together an “EV City Casebook” that I highly recommend checking out (it’s free). The focus of the casebook is a summary of “50 big ideas shaping the future of electric mobility.” We’ll be

How To Advance The EV Revolution (Report) Read More 👉

UN Honors “Champions of the Earth” in D.C.

This morning (November 19, 2014) something good got done again about climate change. At the National Press Club in Washington, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced top honors for seven environment visionaries–Champions of the Earth–who have served the planet well. Those honored as United Nations Champions of the Earth 2014 Laureates: H.E Tommy Remengesau,  President of Palau Achim

UN Honors “Champions of the Earth” in D.C. Read More 👉

Guerrilla Gardener In South Central LA Doesn’t Get Government Love, Is Transforming What It Means To Be Gangster

Food is a problem. Food is the solution. Many urban areas suffering from depression of the economy suffer from the lack of whole food, good foods. A liquor store and a vacant lot are alright. However, try to plant green gardens, so you don’t have to drive 45 minutes to buy something besides fast food

Guerrilla Gardener In South Central LA Doesn’t Get Government Love, Is Transforming What It Means To Be Gangster Read More 👉

Advantages of Solar Energy

Everybody knows (or should know) that solar energy is clean and green, but there are actually many advantages of solar energy. I’ll run down 11 of them here. I’d also throw in disadvantages of solar energy, but there’s basically just one. Since the sun doesn’t shine 24/7, we need to use other sources of electricity and need to

Advantages of Solar Energy Read More 👉

REthinking Energy shows solar prices drop 80 percent (IRENA)

Solar Prices Drop 80 Percent Since 2008, Onshore Wind Also Falls

This year, we have seen the largest-ever outpouring of reporting and planning for inevitable climate change in the Anthropocene. One of the latest studies, REthinking Energy, draws on worldwide research and financial analysis to form some conclusions about changing our mix of energy, one of the major drivers of the phenomenon, as earth’s population continues to

Solar Prices Drop 80 Percent Since 2008, Onshore Wind Also Falls Read More 👉

Kiev Coworking Space Rocks!

Originally published on CleanTechnica. On a cleantech speaking tour of Ukraine, I was introduced to a wicked awesome coworking space in Kiev, Chasopys. Pictures below. Ukrainian green incubator Greencubator and solar company Activ Solar hosted me on a cleantech speaking tour around Ukraine last year. Lucky for me, this was before all of the political turmoil there

Kiev Coworking Space Rocks! Read More 👉

Republican Scientists Tell Republican Global Warming Deniers Global Warming Is Caused By Humans (VIDEO)

Almost every practicing climate scientist on the planet has made it clear: the world is warming (i.e., heating up) and human activities are the reason. Almost every if not every national science academy has backed up this point. Popular scientific experts like Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and Neil deGrasse Tyson have done the same thing. Now, Republican

Republican Scientists Tell Republican Global Warming Deniers Global Warming Is Caused By Humans (VIDEO) Read More 👉

Many State Governors With US House In Blocking Climate Action

On Tuesday, one big handy graphic appeared online detailing what every state governor really believes about climate change. The Center for American Progress released an interactive map of the 50 states. It details the sad fact that half of America’s 29 Republican governors agree with the anti-science caucus of Congress. Tiffany Germain And Ryan Koronowski, who wrote the

Many State Governors With US House In Blocking Climate Action Read More 👉

Tallest German Residential High-Rise Will Also Be Solar Aktivhaus

Award-winning proposed Aktivhaus apartment tower at Skyline Plaza complex in Frankfurt ( The European residential high-rise boom has a green twist these days. Magnus Kaminiarz & Cie unanimously won a top design award this spring for a remarkable apartment tower at the Skyline Plaza complex in Frankfurt. Kaminiarz will produce not only the tallest residential

Tallest German Residential High-Rise Will Also Be Solar Aktivhaus Read More 👉

Rails-to-Trails Gains Steam With $5M For Atlanta BeltLine

Sustainable redevelopment strikes again! The Atlanta BeltLine, one of nation’s largest, widest-ranging urban redevelopment programs, will develop the Westside Trail. Plans call for a three-mile-long, 14-foot-wide concrete multi-use path in the BeltLine’s southwest corridor. As well as a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant from the US Department of Transportation, which is covering 42%

Rails-to-Trails Gains Steam With $5M For Atlanta BeltLine Read More 👉

UCS Examines Climate Change From Sea To Shining Sea

More imminent than deadly viruses or terrorists at national events is the phenomenon of climate change, a force examined in a groundbreaking new report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Titled National Landmarks at Risk: How Rising Seas, Floods and Wildfires are Threatening the United States’ Most Cherished Historic Sites, the study examines

UCS Examines Climate Change From Sea To Shining Sea Read More 👉

Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action)

In the wake of dire warnings about the future and current threats of global warming and climate change from the US government, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the International Energy Agency (IEA), it’s clear that we need to tackle our illogical fossil fuel addiction fast. It’s critical that we tackle this issue

Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action) Read More 👉

'Super Cells – Building With Biology' – The Hope (And Hype) of Bio-Design [Book Review]

Part ‘history of’, part ‘how to’, and a good portion hype, Super Cells ~ Building With Biology, by Nina Tandon and Mitchell Joachim, is a fascinating, inspiring, and not-infrequently self-promoting/congratulating celebration of the “collision of Biology, Design and Digital Fabrication.” The book heralds a new movement referred to as bio-design (or biodesign) in which diverse designers appropriate the

'Super Cells – Building With Biology' – The Hope (And Hype) of Bio-Design [Book Review] Read More 👉

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