Author name: Zachary Shahan

Zach is the director of CleanTechnica, the most popular cleantech-focused website in the world, and Planetsave, a world-leading green and science news site. He has been covering green news of various sorts since 2008, and he has been especially focused on solar energy, electric vehicles, and wind energy since 2009. Aside from his work on CleanTechnica and Planetsave, he's the founder and director of Solar Love, EV Obsession, and Bikocity. To connect with Zach on some of your favorite social networks, go to and click on the relevant buttons.

LOOP SCOOPS: "Story of Stuff" Founder Annie Leonard Teams Up with PBS Kids, WGHB [VIDEOS]

LOOP SCOOPS are a series of new videos by now famous “Story of Stuff” founder Annie Leonard. The focus of these videos is still “think responsibly about the stuff in your life” but Annie’s interests have shifted towards bringing this message to kids 6-9, their families, and educators. This fun, new Web series launched today. […]

LOOP SCOOPS: "Story of Stuff" Founder Annie Leonard Teams Up with PBS Kids, WGHB [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

Whale Wars Continuing on Animal Planet, Chance to be a "Whale Warrior"

I think our readers are quite familiar with Whale Wars. From prior to the Whale Wars first season premiere to Japan accusing Animal Planet of ecoterrorism to whale-sized marshmallows to Japanese whalers sinking a $2 million Sea Shepherd boat to exclusive interviews, we’ve covered Whale Wars in a ton of posts, several of which have been

Whale Wars Continuing on Animal Planet, Chance to be a "Whale Warrior" Read More 👉

someecards Loves America's Great Outdoors, Threatens to Kill Plants

The e-card company someecards is one of my favorites, and I’m sure many people’s. It creates some seriously hilarious e-cards. And, apparently, just like us, it is very into protecting America’s great outdoors. It has announced that it is “going to kill one plant every hour until a million people help Stephen Colbert conserve our land.

someecards Loves America's Great Outdoors, Threatens to Kill Plants Read More 👉

Save Japan Dolphins Day

This Thursday, October 14, people around the world are going to be protesting the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. Rallies will be held in front of Embassies and Consulates of the government of Japan in numerous countries on all 6 inhabited continents. Save Japan Dolphins Day is primarily being organized by Save Japan Dolphins and Oceanic

Save Japan Dolphins Day Read More 👉

To Swiss Banking Giant UBS: Get Out of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining!

Mountaintop removal coal mining is one of the most horrendous things on the planet in my mind. It decapitates precious, beautiful mountains; pollutes rivers and communities with mercury, arsenic and other harmful waste; and helps accelerate global warming (or global weirding). Luckily, people have been catching onto this. World-renowned climate scientist James Hansen and hundreds

To Swiss Banking Giant UBS: Get Out of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining! Read More 👉

Water Footprint Calculator

About a month ago, Heather Carr on our sister site Eat.Drink…Better wrote a post on a new water footprint calculator out by National Geographic. This is a cool tool and something I thought I’d share here on Planetsave (about a month later than I originally intended). Heather’s intro highlighted some interesting facts: The average American

Water Footprint Calculator Read More 👉

Monsanto Hired Blackwater to Spy on Animal Rights Activists?

With all the panic around international terrorism that has dominated the media in recent years, we easily get distracted from and miss critical, internal threats (like the health threats of the food we eat), especially when such threats are hidden by mega-corporations and the former CIA officials they hire. The Nation recently did an in-depth piece on

Monsanto Hired Blackwater to Spy on Animal Rights Activists? Read More 👉

Unsustainable Growth, Peak Oil, Peak Coal, Peak Top Soil, Etc. [VIDEOS]

The unsustainability of constant economic growth and constant energy growth are topics I got into a bit in college (many years ago…), studying sociology and environmental studies. While I keep these issues in the back of my mind, I had not looked into them or thought about them in great detail for awhile… until recently.

Unsustainable Growth, Peak Oil, Peak Coal, Peak Top Soil, Etc. [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

Biggest Day of Global Political Action on 10/10? [New Ellen Page/ VIDEO]

If you weren’t informed, the International Day of Climate Action organized last year was considered by many to be the biggest day of global political action in history. There were 5248 registered events in 181 countries. CNN called it the “most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history.” A great little compilation

Biggest Day of Global Political Action on 10/10? [New Ellen Page/ VIDEO] Read More 👉

180 Groups Push Obama to Protect America's Great Outdoors

A diverse range of historic, cultural, scientific, conservation and environmental groups united today to push President Obama to “create a bold, tangible legacy of conservation, preservation, recreation and restoration through the America’s Great Outdoors (AGO) Initiative.” While Obama has been more engaged in this topic than his predecessor, there are still some big goals many

180 Groups Push Obama to Protect America's Great Outdoors Read More 👉

Climate Scientist James Hansen & 100+ More Arrested in D.C. Protest [PICTURES & VIDEO]

When a leading NASA scientist is willing to go to a protest in D.C. and get arrested along with hundreds of other, normal folks, you know he is concerned about something. As I wrote on the weekend, Monday was the Appalachia Rising! Day of Action. The non-violent action must have gone well, as top climate

Climate Scientist James Hansen & 100+ More Arrested in D.C. Protest [PICTURES & VIDEO] Read More 👉

Chance to Win Eco-Furniture or Year's Supply of Ecover Cleaning Products

Ecover, a leading company selling eco-friendly home cleaning products (and one of my favorites), is now 30 years old. In celebration of its 30th birthday, it is hosting a Thirty Under 30 contest. If you think you are living a super-environmentally-friendly life (and are between 18 & 29), you can enter the contest by filling

Chance to Win Eco-Furniture or Year's Supply of Ecover Cleaning Products Read More 👉

Avatar Real-Life Struggle? James Cameron & Sigourney Weaver Stand Up for the Amazon and Indigenous Tribes [VIDEOS]

Avatar may have been a science-fiction story, but many of its themes were based off of some of the world’s biggest real-life struggles. One such struggle is going on in the Amazon, where a large dam, the Belo Monte Dam, is threatening the environment and tribes living in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest. Avatar-Like Battle in the

Avatar Real-Life Struggle? James Cameron & Sigourney Weaver Stand Up for the Amazon and Indigenous Tribes [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

Appalachia Rising! [VIDEOS]

Mountaintop removal coal mining is bad stuff. It is destroying habitats and communities, poisoning people, and annihilating ancient mountains and national treasures. Appalachia Rising!, a national response to the unmitigated destruction of Appalachia’s mountains, air and water through mountaintop removal coal mining started today in Washington, D.C. Individuals from around the country, grassroots groups and organizations,

Appalachia Rising! [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

Live Baby Tiger in Suitcase Rescued from Wildlife Traffickers

Security officials opened a suspicious suitcase in a Bangkok, Thailand airport recently and found a young tiger, 2 and 1/2 months old, sleeping, drugged a bit, and stuffed in the suitcase near a stuffed animal tiger. The message to the Thai woman who was boldly breaking the law and offending animal lovers everywhere: “Please, don’t smuggle

Live Baby Tiger in Suitcase Rescued from Wildlife Traffickers Read More 👉

Facebook Unfriend Coal Campaign Video (Brilliant & Super Cute)

I wrote on Facebook’s “unfriend coal” campaign a couple weeks ago, focusing on the conversation between leaders in the activism giant’s organization and leaders in the internet giant’s organization. Since that time, Facebook has put out a brilliant and super-cute campaign video (below) and I’ve run across some more interesting (shocking, I might say) information.

Facebook Unfriend Coal Campaign Video (Brilliant & Super Cute) Read More 👉

Planetsave & YOU

I’ve been working as editor of Planetsave for almost 6 months now. (Wow, that’s hard to believe!) In this time, I have continually been trying to think of good ways to engage our reader community. Although, I haven’t delved into too many. Now, though, I’ve got one I’d really like to try out. This is

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Rainforest Action Network Dumps Truckload of Coal Waste on EPA Lawn

The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) was founded in 1985. Its activists have been referred to as “some of the most savvy environmental agitators in the business” by the Wall Street Journal. Due to its environmentally educated and focused approach, it has achieved some great successes. The organization has even had great success with banking giants

Rainforest Action Network Dumps Truckload of Coal Waste on EPA Lawn Read More 👉

Cool Your Green Mind Monday

Keeping up with all the environmental news (i.e. growing environmental problems, environmental failures by politicians, environmental disasters, and a few success stories here and there) can be tiring, frustrating, and saddening. I think it’s important for anyone interested in these matters to take a step back and view life from a wider perspective from time

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