Save a Pumpkin, Save the Planet? Halloween Waste & Where to Start
Forewarning: this may start out dismal, but stick with me!
We’ve found ourselves somehow in mid-October, and whatever your feelings are on that (be it terror that Christmas is approximately only 60 some days away or pure exuberance that Halloween is now just around the corner), when it comes to our planet and food, we’re unfortunately about to see a double amount of waste during the upcoming months.
Let’s start with pumpkins. According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), we Americans have created a demand for approximately 1.1 billion pounds of pumpkins per year. Pumpkins with which we will, for the most part, use for carving and traditional fall décor, after which point, we will toss them in the trash to be tossed into the local landfill.
Save a Pumpkin, Save the Planet? Halloween Waste & Where to Start Read More 👉