
Inuit People & Greenpeace Demand #SolarNotSeismics

Originally published on EdenKeeper.org Navigating through the icy waters of the Arctic, the Greenpeace ship “Arctic Sunrise” is delivering solar panels to the Inuit community of Clyde River, Nunavut. Delivering solar panels and a team to install the systems for the Clyde River community is Greenpeace’s way of offering a better solution to meet increasing […]

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How Bringing Back The Great Whale Can Limit Climate Change (VIDEO)

The oceans are huge carbon sinks for the world. Fish and whales comprise only a tiny part of their overall biomass. Nevertheless, studies have shown that fishing and whaling by humans have altered the ocean’s carbon storage and sequestration capabilities by causing a change in the food chain, or a trophic cascade. As naturalist and

How Bringing Back The Great Whale Can Limit Climate Change (VIDEO) Read More 👉

New Lawsuits Seek to Grant Chimps And Highly Self-Aware Animals ‘Legal Persons’ Status

[UPDATED: Jan. 14, 2015; see UPDATE NOTE below] On Monday morning, December 2, an animal rights group called the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) filed a lawsuit in the Supreme court of New York. The goal of the lawsuit — the first of three planned —  is to persuade the court that chimpanzees (and other highly

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Whales and Elephants: Are They Instinctively Aware or Predictive of Tsunamis?

  In April, as tsunami warnings hit the Indonesian and Sri Lankan coasts, sea-watching photographer and filmmaker Andrew Sutton of Britain was off the southern tip of Sri Lanka. He and his crew were watching and photographing whales who suddenly and completely vanished. The humans on the boat were not aware of why and were

Whales and Elephants: Are They Instinctively Aware or Predictive of Tsunamis? Read More 👉

Japanese Whaler’s Injunction Against Sea Shepherd Denied in U.S. District Court

  Editor’s Note: I just received the following press release from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society—looks like some positive developments in the fight to stop the killing of endangered whales: Judge vows to examine the legality of ICR’s whaling operations February 20, 2012- Seattle, Washington– A Seattle district court has denied a preliminary injunction in

Japanese Whaler’s Injunction Against Sea Shepherd Denied in U.S. District Court Read More 👉

Greenpeace and the True Story Behind the Film Big Miracle

“A truly joint effort” Campbell Plowden describes “one of the craziest weeks in his 14 years with Greenpeace” in The Story Behind the Big Miracle: Operation Breakthrough. He shares with us his work contributing to the meeting of synchronized forces as they merge in a pragmatic action successfully. “In the end, the rescue was truly a joint effort between the Eskimos,

Greenpeace and the True Story Behind the Film Big Miracle Read More 👉

Sea Shepherd Crew Using Drones to Keep Eye on Whaling Fleet — Making a Difference

  To better keep an eye on Japan’s whaling fleet, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society activists have taken the advice of its helicopter pilot, Chris Aultman, and created battery-powered drones to follow the hunting ships. The drones, launched from the Steve Irwin every day, can go 300km (190 miles) and “uses GPS co-ordinates and provides both

Sea Shepherd Crew Using Drones to Keep Eye on Whaling Fleet — Making a Difference Read More 👉

Tsunami Relief Should Go to People, Not Whaling (Take Action!)

  If you haven’t run across this news yet, it’s pretty disheartening… a lot of disaster relief funds given to Japan to help it recover from the terrible tsunami and nuclear disasters that slammed it in March are reportedly being used to support the country’s whaling operations, something which is, by all practical standards, illegal.

Tsunami Relief Should Go to People, Not Whaling (Take Action!) Read More 👉

Activism News & Action Opportunities Round-Up (10 Stories)

  1. Activists occupied KFC on two continents last week. More from the Dogwood Alliance: “Colonel Sanders and various woodland creatures made appearances at over 150 KFC restaurants across the country and various locations in Europe to deliver a message, ‘Stop destroying Southern forests for your throwaway packaging.’ The iconic KFC bucket and other KFC

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Whale Songs — More Complicated than You Think… Why Do They Sing?

A StumbleUpon friend of mine recently shared a TREMENDOUS article on whales and whale music with me. To put the effect in the simplest and most straightforward terms I can, it has forever transformed my view of whales and it has had a considerable impact on me, in general. I will share the intro with you here, but beyond this intro, the piece delves into a theory as to why they sing proposed by musician, professor, and author David Rothenberg, as well as the research and lives of David and Daniel Opitz, “a deep-sea diver and full-time self-financed filmmaker who made the acclaimed and award-winning film The Humpback Code.”

Whale Songs — More Complicated than You Think… Why Do They Sing? Read More 👉

Russia Helps to Protect Critically Endangered Western Grey Whales (Sort of)

Well, Russia is one key actor threating grey whales with extinction, but it has also taken a step forward in protecting the critically endangered species. “Companies seeking oil extraction rights to a newly available concession off Russia’s Sakhalin Island will not be permitted to conduct activities while Western gray whales are present,” WWF wrote last week.

Russia Helps to Protect Critically Endangered Western Grey Whales (Sort of) Read More 👉

Lonesome Whale of the Pacific, 'Alice', May Be One of A Kind

Following some strange migratory pattern of its own design, and emitting a plaintive call-song that is never answered, a solitary whale roams the depths of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The call-song has been tracked through NOAA’s underwater, sound surveillance system since 1989, when a research team out of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute noticed “whale-like” sounds occurring in the 51.75 Hertz band of the radio spectrum. Amongst the scientists who have faithfully tracked the song since, the mystery whale is known as ’52 Hertz’, but popularly, “she” is known as Alice.

Lonesome Whale of the Pacific, 'Alice', May Be One of A Kind Read More 👉

'Grolar' Bears & 'Narluga' Whales? – Arctic Warming May Promote Hybrid Animals [VIDEO]

In 2006, Arctic hunters shot and killed a strange-looking, white bear. It was strange because the bear had large patches of brown fur in its coat. Subsequent genetic analysis showed that it was in fact a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly bear (making it a “grolar” or “pizzly” bear). Apparently, more grizzlies 

'Grolar' Bears & 'Narluga' Whales? – Arctic Warming May Promote Hybrid Animals [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Greenpeace: Re-Open Whale Meat Embezzlement Investigation

Following the Japanese governments admission and apology for embezzlement related to Japan’s whaling policy and industry (whaling officials finally acknowledged accepting whale meat ‘gifts’ from the company conducting whale hunts, Kyodo Senpaku), Greenpeace is urging the initiation of an official investigation into this matter. As the ailing and fraudulent ‘scientific’ Japanese whaling fleet conducts a

Greenpeace: Re-Open Whale Meat Embezzlement Investigation Read More 👉

Are Octopuses Psychic? No, but They Are Darned Clever [VIDEO]

When it comes to highly intelligent sea creatures, dolphins, whales tend to get most of the cerebral credit. But the “lowly” octopus—a popular dish in many Mediterranean cuisines—may be one of the most intelligent creatures in the sea, and is the only invertebrate (animals lacking bones) that has been conclusively shown to use tools…Possessing both a short and longer-term memory capacity, octopuses exhibit a wide range of fascinating behaviors, many of which have led some scientists to describe them as “highly intelligent”.

Are Octopuses Psychic? No, but They Are Darned Clever [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Controversial New Whaling Quotas Proposed by IWC

A controversial new proposal would allow nations (i.e. Japan, Norway and Iceland) to kill endangered whales. Quotas will be based on politics, not science. In 1986, commercial whaling was officially banned by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), an entity established to protect dramatically declining whale stocks. Despite this ban, certain nations, most notably Japan, Norway

Controversial New Whaling Quotas Proposed by IWC Read More 👉

Pierce Brosnan Pleads US to Help End the Killing of Whales for Profit

“The Obama Administration is backing a deadly deal that would make it legal once again to kill whales for profit. Please call on the President to reverse course,” explains Pierce Brosnan. [social_buttons] Help OO7! To the rescue James Bond! Brosnan is saving the whales and needs our collective help. Assist Pierce and his campaign with

Pierce Brosnan Pleads US to Help End the Killing of Whales for Profit Read More 👉

Greenpeace Blocks Ship with Endangered Fin Whale Meat Going to Japan

Greenpeace activists blocked a shipment of endangered fin whale meat going from Iceland to Japan via Rotterdam in Holland and sent a request to the Dutch government as well. [social_buttons] On Friday morning, Greenpeace activists sacrificed their Easter holidays in order to help stop the killing and trade of endangered fin whales. Fewer than 50,000

Greenpeace Blocks Ship with Endangered Fin Whale Meat Going to Japan Read More 👉

Sea Shepherd Activists Spray Whaling Ship With Rotten Butter

[social_buttons] Anti-whaling activists aboard the Sea Shepherd vessel ‘Steve Irwin’ have covered a whaling ship with a smelly cocktail of rotten butter, methyl cellulose and indelible dye. The unconventional sliming operation was carried out in a bid to intimidate the Japanese whaler, Kaiko Maru, into moving out of Australian Antarctic territorial waters. According to Peter

Sea Shepherd Activists Spray Whaling Ship With Rotten Butter Read More 👉

Brazil Establishes Whale Sanctuary Along its Entire Coast

[social_buttons] The Brazilian government has today signed a federal decree establishing the Brazilian Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary, which will drastically increase protection for all cetacean species along the country’s entire 5,000 mile long coast. According to José Truda Palazzo, Jr., Brazilian Commissioner to the International Whaling Commission, “the initiative sends a clear and powerful message

Brazil Establishes Whale Sanctuary Along its Entire Coast Read More 👉

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