
Rising Tide, Sinking Boats — Economic Growth in G20 Nations is Increasing Inequality and Driving Climate Change

  In a briefing paper released January 19 by Oxfam.org entitled, “Left behind by the G20? How inequality and environmental degradation threaten to exclude poor people from the benefits of economic growth,” the standard mantra of pro-growth policy — a rising tide lifts all boats — appears to be an economic myth (like “trickle down”) and

Rising Tide, Sinking Boats — Economic Growth in G20 Nations is Increasing Inequality and Driving Climate Change Read More 👉

Turkey Earthquake Death Toll Grows (2 Week-Old-Baby Rescued 47 Hours after Quake)

Death Toll Rising According to a recent report released by the Disaster and Emergency Administration, death tolls from the devastating earthquake in Turkey have now risen to 366, with 1,301 people injured. Information provided from this source reports the quake that struck Turkey’s Van province Sunday afternoon has caused 2,262 buildings to collapse. In the

Turkey Earthquake Death Toll Grows (2 Week-Old-Baby Rescued 47 Hours after Quake) Read More 👉

Europe to Stress Test Nuclear Power Stations

The EU’s Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, has announced that the union will conduct a series of stress tests upon its nuclear power stations later in the year. He described the tests as “extraordinary” and said they would include the impact of earthquakes and high water.

The tests will also be conducted on the nuclear power stations of neighbouring non-EU countries, including Switzerland, Turkey and Russia.

Europe to Stress Test Nuclear Power Stations Read More 👉

Happy Thanksgiving: Turkey Facts as a Tribute to Those who Gave their Lives for our Stomachs

[social_buttons] Whether you are eating turkey or tofurkey this Thanksgiving, you cannot deny the great sacrifice that turkeys are making to fill dinner plates across the nation. I figured I would honor their sacrifice here on the eve of thanksgiving, with some fun turkey facts. More than 45 million turkeys are eaten in the U.S. at Thanksgiving (one sixth

Happy Thanksgiving: Turkey Facts as a Tribute to Those who Gave their Lives for our Stomachs Read More 👉

Turkey Deports Two Activists for Protesting World Water Forum

Two peaceful protestors with the environmental nonprofit International Rivers were deported from Turkey today after revealing a banner reading “No Risky Dams” just before the conference was set to begin. [social_buttons] The forum, held every three years, discusses global challenges and solutions to the water crisis. International Rivers advocates alternatives to large dams, which flood

Turkey Deports Two Activists for Protesting World Water Forum Read More 👉

Is This Some Sick Sport? Video Shows Dogs Attacking Captive Wolf in Turkey

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/v/jsearqknaE8&hl=en&fs=1] Warning: Video contains disturbing content. This video is very hard to make out (and all online Turkish-to-English translations don’t yield much more insight), but this appears as if a small town in Turkey gathered together to encourage their dogs to attack and kill a captive wolf. Please comment if you have any idea what

Is This Some Sick Sport? Video Shows Dogs Attacking Captive Wolf in Turkey Read More 👉

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