red planet

Element Crucial For Life On Earth Probably Came From Mars, New Study Finds

Owing to the fact that it is far easier for a chunk of Mars to travel to Earth than the other way around,  it is likely that certain elements necessary to catalyze the formation of biological molecules (like RNA and DNA) came  from our neighboring Red Planet. The vehicle for this interplanetary catalytic “seeding” was

Element Crucial For Life On Earth Probably Came From Mars, New Study Finds Read More 👉

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Detects Dry Ice on Red Planet

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has provided scientists with the clearest evidence to date of carbon-dioxide snowfalls on Mars, revealing the only known example of carbon-dioxide snow falling anywhere in our solar system. Frozen carbon-dioxide is better known here on Earth as dry ice, and requires temperatures of around minus minus 125 Celsius (193 degrees Fahrenheit), much, much colder than what

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Detects Dry Ice on Red Planet Read More 👉

Water on Mars? Scientists See Possibility of Salty Water in Martian 'Seasonal Flows'

A team of scientists, led by Alfred S. McEwan of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, may have identified the tell-tale signs of “seasonal flows” (small channels attributable to downhill water movements) on certain Martian slopes. The potentially game-changing discovery, which was enabled by an analysis performed by an undergraduate student, has got the astronomy, planetary and astrobiology science communities rather excited.

Water on Mars? Scientists See Possibility of Salty Water in Martian 'Seasonal Flows' Read More 👉

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