
Who Are Our Politicians?

This is not a post about specific politicians or asking you to look into the lives, backgrounds, or policies of your own politicians. This is a post about politicians in general (in the U.S. at least, but many other countries as well). I think it was triggered by this video of astrophysicist Dr. Neil Degrasse and the comments a few people left on that post.

When I think of a potential career as a politician and what I think would drive that, I think the motivating force and career focus should be helping the world, and your particular jurisdiction, in specific.

Who Are Our Politicians? Read More πŸ‘‰

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers

Tom Toles creates some of the best climate change and political cartoons I’ve seen. He’s a Pullitzer-Prize winning cartoonist who works for the Washington Post. After the β€œ1,000,000th email [in a day] complaining that [he’s] not fair to the Republicans” following a recent cartoon of his (above), Toles wrote the following (a great post on global warming denial and Republicans)

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers Read More πŸ‘‰

It's Time for a Direct Action Comeback! (Now)

The internet has made communicating with politicians and corporations easier than ever, right? Just pop on your computer and send them an email or sign a few petitions. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s questioned how effective this cyber communication is in politics. We can easily send emails and sign petitions, but politicians and CEOs can just as easily (or, actually, even more easily) ignore them.

It's Time for a Direct Action Comeback! (Now) Read More πŸ‘‰

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