
Cerrado, Truly Precious Ecosystem, Under Threat {Take Action}

Ever heard of the Cerrado? I can’t get on you if haven’t, since I hadn’t until a week or two ago myself. But this truly precious ecosystem is home to approximately 5% of the world’s species, and (the not good news) it has been cut in half in the last 40 years (an area greater in size than the UK, Germany, Italy and Portugal combined).

Cerrado, Truly Precious Ecosystem, Under Threat {Take Action} Read More πŸ‘‰

Endangered Species Act Under Attack in Congress, Innovative Twitter Campaign to the Rescue?

You can’t be surprised, given that our Congress people seem completely mad (and not just because of NCAA basketball), but, yes, they really are attacking the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and a number of iconic animals.

Luckily, Earthjustice, a leading non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the Earth and its resources, is working hard to rally U.S. citizens and stop the assault. And it’s come up with a really innovative, fun way of doing so.

Endangered Species Act Under Attack in Congress, Innovative Twitter Campaign to the Rescue? Read More πŸ‘‰

Thorough Analysis Needed Before We Recklessly Drill in Arctic Ocean

The BP oil spill was an accident. There are many things that probably could have prevented it, though. For example, more careful governmental review. Yet, while we are still discovering negative consequences resulting from this tremendous environmental and economic disaster, there are people pushing to streamline oil and gas drilling in the Arctic. The Wilderness

Thorough Analysis Needed Before We Recklessly Drill in Arctic Ocean Read More πŸ‘‰

How Did the IWC Meeting About Legalizing Whaling of Endangered Species Turn Out?

Updates on the International Whaling Committee decision about legalizing whaling of endangered species. Some organizations see the decision as a (temporary) win, some see it as a big failure. We wrote a few articles leading up to a major International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting that was supposed to involve a vote on whether or not

How Did the IWC Meeting About Legalizing Whaling of Endangered Species Turn Out? Read More πŸ‘‰

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