
Rick Perry Has Brain Fart, or Did He Come to His Senses for a Moment?

Somewhat big news in environmental and energy politics today is Rick Perry’s major slip-up in the Republican presidential debate last night. The problem? He couldn’t remember the third federal agency he wants to kill (other than the Department of Energy and Department of Commerce) — the Department of Energy. The funny thing is, the number

Rick Perry Has Brain Fart, or Did He Come to His Senses for a Moment? Read More 👉

Rick Santorum's Hypocrisy in Criticizing Rick Perry

Sure, saying that Rick Perry “ignores reality” is true. Heck, they guy is the governor of a state that just had its (and any US state’s) hottest summer ever, record-smashing drought, and tremendous fires, and yet he ignores the conclusive scientific proclamation that we are causing catastrophic climate change and need to get off of fossil fuels to stop it. I mean, can you ignore reality any more?!

However, Santorum seems just about as crazy and ignores the clear climate science we should all be acting on NOW as well. He said “There is no such thing as global warming” on the Glenn Beck show this June! Looney.

Rick Santorum's Hypocrisy in Criticizing Rick Perry Read More 👉

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