Pennsylvania State University

Carbon Release 10 Times as Fast Today than Historically

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which took place some 55.9 million years ago, is the best analogue that we currently have for understanding what might happen if greenhouse gas emissions are not curtailed soon, and according to a new study, the rate of release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere today is 10 times as fast when compared to the PETM.

Carbon Release 10 Times as Fast Today than Historically Read More ๐Ÿ‘‰

Mann is Off the Hook, So Let's Look at the Real Crime [Video of Mann]

Michael Mann, the somewhat infamous climate scientist from Penn State, shouldn’t be so infamous after all, we find out yet another time! “An academic inquiry into the so-called ‘climategate’ email scandal has concluded that a well-known U.S. scientist [Mann] did not directly or indirectly falsify data in his research,” according to Mike De Souza of

Mann is Off the Hook, So Let's Look at the Real Crime [Video of Mann] Read More ๐Ÿ‘‰

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