
Modified Net Metering To Take Place In Mississippi

Originally published on CleanTechnica. Mississippi will become the 46th state to implement net metering for owners generating renewable electricity with solar panels or wind. However, the new policy comes with rate limitations that favor utilities. Briefly, net metering is the process by which individual utility customers who use solar panels or other renewable energy generators […]

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Top 20 Planetsave Stories in May

Hello Planetsavers! I thought I’d start doing a monthly wrap-up of our top 20 posts for people to have a glance at. Many of the top stories this month, as you’ll notice, were clearly tied into major world news events. Google is the main traffic driver for the large majority of sites on the Internet and ours isn’t an exception. Covering environmental news consistently, this often results in the biggest news stories rising to the top.

Top 20 Planetsave Stories in May Read More πŸ‘‰

Mississippi River Gets Radioactive Water Dumped into It from Nuclear Plant

That’s not the kind of thing you want to hear, especially not with the flooding going on. But, reportedly, Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant workers in Mississippi “accidentally released water from an abandoned unit into the river.” A large amount of tritum, a cancer-causing radionuclide, was in the water according to sensors.

Mississippi River Gets Radioactive Water Dumped into It from Nuclear Plant Read More πŸ‘‰

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