
Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Image: methane leaks in Boston, via Duke University The scientists involved in the report claim to not know […]

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why Read More 👉

Researcher: It Appears That The Entire Coast Off Washington, Oregon, & California Is A Giant Methane Seep

In an example of how little is actually known about what goes on in the world’s oceans, researchers recently discovered 500 “new” (newly discovered, that is) methane vents off the west coast of the US. “It appears that the entire coast off Washington, Oregon and California is a giant methane seep,” commented RMS Titanic discoverer

Researcher: It Appears That The Entire Coast Off Washington, Oregon, & California Is A Giant Methane Seep Read More 👉

Eating Bugs Helps Curb Both Hunger And Climate Change

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently suggested that eating bugs (yes, insects) could help feed the world’s fast-growing population. Along these lines, Anna Jansson, professor of animal science at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has shown how nutrient-rich insects can make a big contribution to diet in poor countries. Surprisingly, they can also help

Eating Bugs Helps Curb Both Hunger And Climate Change Read More 👉

More Research: Fracking by the Numbers; The Damage to Our Water, Land, and Climate from a Decade of Dirty Drilling

Originally published on CleanTechnica. Proof of the hazardous, risky, severe results from fracking grows. Local communities are at serious risk from the process of fracking. A new report, Fracking by the Numbers, states: “The combination of two technologies—hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling—has enabled the oil and gas industry to engage to unlock oil and gas in underground rock formations

More Research: Fracking by the Numbers; The Damage to Our Water, Land, and Climate from a Decade of Dirty Drilling Read More 👉

What Causes Global Warming?

Droughts, lengthy hot spells, heavy downpours, floods, and other extreme weather events are occurring more frequently and intensely every year. Around the world, research teams are analyzing these trends, noting the changes in temperature, rainfall, ice mass, sea level, and many other variables recorded by weather measuring devices. The trends are undeniable: the Earth is

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Smokey Bear, Take Two: Forest Fracking

From the artist (anon): The Forest Service is leasing our national forests to gas companies for fracking in several forests already: Allegheny National Forest (PA) George Washington National Forest (WV & VA) Wayne National Forest (Ohio) Talladega National Forest (Alabama) Mesa-Uncompahgre-Gunnison National Forest (Colorado) White River National Forest (Colorado) The Bridger-Teton National Forest (Wyoming)

Smokey Bear, Take Two: Forest Fracking Read More 👉

Methane Emissions "Through The Roof" As Arctic Melts Faster Than Predicted: Arctic Study Group

Arctic methane emissions this month were recorded at historic-high levels, causing great concern among climatologists, who cite rapidly melting Arctic sea-ice and warming oceans as the main causes. As reported in the blog Arctic News, “huge amounts of methane are now escaping from the seabed of the Arctic Ocean, penetrating the sea ice, and entering the

Methane Emissions "Through The Roof" As Arctic Melts Faster Than Predicted: Arctic Study Group Read More 👉

800-Ton Steel Roof Raised By Electric Fans Blowing Air, As Massive Australian LNG Project Proceeds

A massive new liquified natural gas (LNG) construction project in Australia — one of the first “coal-conversion” projects of its kind — took a major step towards completion last week when, on June 25, a dome-shaped steel roof, weighing more than 850 tons (more than four 747 airliners) was lifted to into place by electric

800-Ton Steel Roof Raised By Electric Fans Blowing Air, As Massive Australian LNG Project Proceeds Read More 👉

Cutting Emissions Of Certain Pollutants Could Slow Down Sea Level Rise

New research has shown that rising sea levels could be greatly slowed if certain fast cycling pollutants are cut from the numerous emissions being pumped into the atmosphere. According to the research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change this week, cutting levels of methane, soot, refrigerants, and gases that lead to the formation of ground-level ozone,

Cutting Emissions Of Certain Pollutants Could Slow Down Sea Level Rise Read More 👉

Siberian Caves Point To Devastating Future Thawing And CO2 Release

A team of scientists from Britain, Russia, Mongolia, and Switzerland have released a report which finds that evidence obtained from Siberian caves suggest that a global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius could result in permanently frozen ground end up thawing across a massive swathe of Siberia, threatening a release of carbon dioxide. Such a

Siberian Caves Point To Devastating Future Thawing And CO2 Release Read More 👉

Slow Global Warming, Improve Health, Boost Agriculture, NOW!

NASA has released a study that highlights 14 key air pollution control measures that could slow the pace of global warming, improve health, and boost agricultural production if they were implemented. This Flickr slideshow highlights key emission control strategies that could help limit the release of black carbon and methane into the atmosphere. NASA’s Drew

Slow Global Warming, Improve Health, Boost Agriculture, NOW! Read More 👉

In Search of Missing Carbon & Life – 'Deep Earth' Mission Planned

It is the fundamental structural element of all living things. It is a key component of many energy sources, and, it is a crucial player in our planet’s climate system. The natural cycling of this element — Carbon (C)  — between earth, atmosphere and ocean maintains the habitable conditions that all Life depends upon. Much

In Search of Missing Carbon & Life – 'Deep Earth' Mission Planned Read More 👉

Newest Gulf Report: Oil, Soot and Dead Animals on Sea Floor

Reporting her results from a fifth Gulf of Mexico expedition ending this past December,  University of Georgia marine scientist Samantha Joye has been to the bottom and back, and her findings are anything but optimistic. Her team has found numerous expanses of oil and soot covered sea floor that were “chemically finger-printed” as deriving from

Newest Gulf Report: Oil, Soot and Dead Animals on Sea Floor Read More 👉

Melting Permafrost in Siberia, from an International and Local Perspective [VIDEOS]

Here’s a great video from Greenpeace on this important topic. As it notes: “the melting permafrost not only affects the way of life of the indigenous nomadic Nenets people, but also adds burden on climate change due to massive release of methane and carbon dioxide due to decomposion in the defrosting soil.” “Melting Siberian permafrost

Melting Permafrost in Siberia, from an International and Local Perspective [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

Research Looks at Self Cleaning Ability of Atmosphere

An international team of researchers led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has delved into understanding the self-cleaning properties of our atmosphere and found that, relatively speaking, the atmosphere has a seemingly stable capacity to rid itself of most pollutants. The study, published online in the journal Science, shows that global levels of

Research Looks at Self Cleaning Ability of Atmosphere Read More 👉

China to Store CO2 Underground

China is taking a step towards cleaner energy production in a joint demonstration project which will store two thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide underground. Partnered between CSIRO Australia and China United Coalbed Methane Corporation Limited (CUCBM) the project will look to bury two thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide underground in the Shanxi Province and extract

China to Store CO2 Underground Read More 👉

Extensive Release of Methane Gas from Arctic Shelf Confirmed

A research team confirms “extensive out-gassing of methane to the atmosphere” over the Eastern Siberian Arctic Shelf, and confirm its source to be venting from sea-bed sediments. Though acknowledging their findings do not seriously alter climate change predictions, the team also asserts that the sub-sea permafrost layer is failing and advise more urgent investigation.

Extensive Release of Methane Gas from Arctic Shelf Confirmed Read More 👉

Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles Slipping Into Disarray

The conductor walks on to the stage and mounts the podium with applause from the crowd. He bows to the audience, then turns to his orchestra and, with one fluid motion pulls music from the vast expanse of silence. Each musician moves, almost mechanically, in perfect time, in perfect concert. The violin section becomes one great body, no longer individual musicians. Together, as one, the orchestra ebbs and flows in crescendo and decrescendo. Melody. Harmony. Symphony.

Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles Slipping Into Disarray Read More 👉

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List

One of the biggest issues facing us right now is global warming. Its effects on animals and on agriculture are indeed frightening, and the effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts about global warming are often debated in politics and the media, but, unfortunately, even if we disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global, and measurable. The causes are mainly from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be severe.

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List Read More 👉

UN's Top Climate Scientist Urges People to Combat Climate Change by Eating Less Meat

This is a guest post by Meg Hamill who works at LandPaths, in Partnership with The Open Space District of Sonoma County, California Monday evening, the UN’s top Climate Scientist, Rajendra Pachuari, will speak in London at a meeting organized by Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), urging people to fight global warming by taking meat

UN's Top Climate Scientist Urges People to Combat Climate Change by Eating Less Meat Read More 👉

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