Mean Joe Green cartoon

Sesame Street Explains How Willard Mitt Romney Will Get Elected

More on this subject: From Crooks and Liars: Bill Maher Hits Republicans for Voter ID Laws in New Rules Segment From HuffPo: Jon Stewart Slams Voter ID Laws That ‘Cockblock The Vote’ (VIDEO) From ProPublica: Two Dark Money Groups Outspending All Super PACs Combined From MotherJones: WTF, GOP? HuffPo again: Perhaps What America Really Needs […]

Sesame Street Explains How Willard Mitt Romney Will Get Elected Read More 👉

Carbon Omission

  And of course, before there was “OAL,” there was “Clean Coal”. It’s unfortunate that Big Coal has Big Cash to peddle Big BS to further delay little wind, solar, tidal, and geothermal. More on Big Coal BS: From Coal Tattoo: Coal PR firm set up state’s anti-Obama meetings From Source Watch: Environmental impacts of

Carbon Omission Read More 👉

Greenpeace Attempts to get, Macrosoot, and iSmog to Quit Coal

  3 cartoons for the price of none! Scroll down for all 3 cartoons: Take Action! Apple, Amazon and Microsoft all use asthma-inducing, climate-destroying coal to power the “cloud” that stores your emails, photos, music and videos. Take action now & tell these companies to clean the cloud. Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon

Greenpeace Attempts to get, Macrosoot, and iSmog to Quit Coal Read More 👉

The Conversation That my Brother-in-law's "Reagan Revolution" T-Shirt Provoked

I don’t see my brother-in-law, Bob too often. We disagree on just about every major thing two people could disagree on. However, we love each other and enjoy one another’s company. So even though Bob likes to provoke (much like his hero Glenn Beck) sometimes it’s best to put political/religious/social differences aside and enjoy being

The Conversation That my Brother-in-law's "Reagan Revolution" T-Shirt Provoked Read More 👉

Tuna to Greenpeace: Help!!!

More on unsustainable fishing practices and Tuna From Greenpeace: The Tuna Industry’s Got a Dirty Little Secret From PlanetSave: Annual Quota of Bluefin Tuna Caught in 1 Week GreenPeace again: The harsh reality of longline fishing From SeafoodWatch: Seafood Watch Pocket Guide Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon page…

Tuna to Greenpeace: Help!!! Read More 👉

Wrong and Wrongerer: How Both Sides of the Aisle Address Climate Change

Although this cartoon appears to be an even and nonpartisan attack at both sides of the aisle, it is not an exact representation of how I feel. I am sickened by the majority of the leaders on the right (and their lies to protect their corporate cronies), whereas I am disappointed with much of the left and their lack of meaningful action (which protects their corporate cronies).

Wrong and Wrongerer: How Both Sides of the Aisle Address Climate Change Read More 👉

Monsanto or Organic? Who to Trust with Your Food [Infographic]

In putting together this infographic (I have a larger version of the image if anyone wants it) it struck me that nearly all of the Monsanto endeavors I chose to highlight here rode the same wave of public opinion. In regards to nuclear weapons, DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, and aspartame, the talking point was that each was beneficial to America/Americans. But time (life’s best teacher) taught us that these were all highly toxic and deadly endeavors with the same two outcomes —

people got sick/died and
Monsanto got rich.
I am confident that GMOs will (eventually) follow suit.

Monsanto or Organic? Who to Trust with Your Food [Infographic] Read More 👉

Tea Party Nose Cutters! (cartoon)

It’s certainly good for politicians to listen to their constituents–it doesn’t happen enough. But, when their constituents are backed by rich influence, and when their constituents are so woefully close minded, you end up with corrupt politicians, ignorant constituents, and increasingly powerful and corrupt rich influence. Not good. The Tea Party does not realize how

Tea Party Nose Cutters! (cartoon) Read More 👉

Facebook's New Logo — Which One's a No-Go?

Back in February 2010, Greenpeace called on Facebook to unfriend coal and embrace renewables to power their massive data centers, giving them a deadline of April 22 (Earth Day) of this year. Since then, over 600,000 Greenpeace supporters have called on Facebook to take action and according to Greenpeace International Executive Director, Kumi Naidoo, Facebook is listening (atleast the founder’s sister, Randi Zuckerberg is).

Facebook's New Logo — Which One's a No-Go? Read More 👉

Exposed: Why the GOP Wants to Eliminate Clean Air Act Provisions [CARTOON]

Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air we (their consitituents, and the rest) breathe? From Greenpeace:

Exposed: Why the GOP Wants to Eliminate Clean Air Act Provisions [CARTOON] Read More 👉

Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon

As Jeffrey Davis shares in the tagline for his great new greensite EcoSnobberySucks, “every step matters”. It’s a great message (and website) to remind us to stop disliking one another for our differences and start appreciating the steps everyone is taking to make this world a happier, healthier place. Need some assitance?From The FunTimesGuide to

Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Read More 👉

Stop Monsanto Again–GM Alfalfa Threatens to Contaminate Organic Crops

More info and opportunities to take action on GM Alfalfa.From Rodale: Genetically Engineered Alfalfa Could Be Growing in U.S. Fields by Spring From EatDrinkBetter: URGENT: Stop Monsanto’s GM Alfalfa From Food and Water Watch: Take Action: Ask President Obama to Protect Organic and Stop Monsanto’s GE Alfalfa! From the Organic Consumers Association: Millions Against Monsanto

Stop Monsanto Again–GM Alfalfa Threatens to Contaminate Organic Crops Read More 👉

Fox News Serving Up Climate Skepticism [CARTOON]

Related Articles: From Planetsave: Fox News Boss Ordered Staff to Make Climate Change Seem Doubtful From Ecopolitology: Fox News Editor Tampers with Climate Reporting: Where is Conservative Outrage Now? From ClimateProgress: National Journal: “The GOP is stampeding toward an absolutist rejection of climate science that appears unmatched among major political parties around the globe, even

Fox News Serving Up Climate Skepticism [CARTOON] Read More 👉

WTF?! EPA Says RIP to Bees.

EPA knowingly OK’s Bayer’s bee-killing pesticide. Related Links: The full Grist article whose text is in the cartoon. Wik-Bee Leaks: EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees The Bayer Kills Bees! website. (They also kill democracy!) Yep, that’s Bee from the environmental cartoon series Hank D and the Bee. Don’t worry,

WTF?! EPA Says RIP to Bees. Read More 👉

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