
Colbert Chats with GOP Wordsmith/Spinmaster, Confuses Him (Video)

Frank Luntz is, no doubt, good with words (and a little more than that). He holds his fair share of responsibility for the climate crisis we’re in, too, as he has helped the Republican Party avoid action on this critical topic through word games. (Note: he doesn’t like talking about that much these days.)

The uber-funny Stephen Colbert sat down with him recently to learn a trick or two. The resulting video is hilarious (while also a bit interesting). The funny thing is, Luntz seems to not get that Colbert’s job is to be ridiculous and funny while also poking fun at crazy Republicans. Not sure how he could not get that, or if he just gets irritated somewhat easily.

Colbert Chats with GOP Wordsmith/Spinmaster, Confuses Him (Video) Read More 👉

Vigilante NYC Bicyclist Gets Ticket for Not Riding in Bike Lane, Then ALWAYS Rides in Bike Lane {Awesome Video}

This is totally awesome. The ridiculousness of this guy getting a ticket for not riding in the bike lane is made obvious when he decides to then ALWAYS ride in the bike lane, film it, and show the world who should really be getting the tickets.

Vigilante NYC Bicyclist Gets Ticket for Not Riding in Bike Lane, Then ALWAYS Rides in Bike Lane {Awesome Video} Read More 👉

White House Correspondents Dinner 2011: Obama Jokes about FOX News, Crazy Conspiracy Theorists, Trump {VIDEO}

Seriously, this is what we need more of from Obama and Democratic leadership — not only the great humor that would garner a TON more attention to U.S. politics, but the innovative calling out of ridiculous attacks on him and his policies and the U.S. public.

White House Correspondents Dinner 2011: Obama Jokes about FOX News, Crazy Conspiracy Theorists, Trump {VIDEO} Read More 👉

Charlie Sheen Cartoon, Climate Change, and the U.S. Today

We’ve got a lot of crazy stuff going on these days. It makes you wonder if society isn’t just increasingly obsessed with craziness and subconsciously determined to do crazy, self-destructive things… what else would explain our obsession with Charlie Sheen, our ignorance of and inaction on catastrophic climate change, and our decision to put people

Charlie Sheen Cartoon, Climate Change, and the U.S. Today Read More 👉

Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Due to Gay Marriage! Problem Solved [VIDEO]

Wow, no joke. Connecting the dots, the religious right solves this freak occurrence we were struggling with for weeks. Related Stories: 1. Mass Bird Deaths, Fish Deaths from Earth’s Magnetic Polar Shifts? 2. Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Caused by Hydraulic Fracking & Earthquakes? 3. ‘Pole Flips’, Earth Wobbles, Bird Deaths and ‘End Times’ [VIDEO]

Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Due to Gay Marriage! Problem Solved [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Letterman: Top 10 Things Overheard During Republicans’ 1st Day in Charge of House A nice David Letterman Top 10 list (text below). 10. “Mr. Boehner, please stop crying.” 9.    “How do we blame this dead bird thing on Obama.” 8.    “I think he was just sworn in on a copy of Snooki’s new book.” 7.    “Beer me.” 6.    “Alright, you’ve had six hours, is the economy fixed?”

Letterman: Top 10 Things Overheard During Republicans’ 1st Day in Charge of House Read More 👉

Stephen Colbert Wins Twitter

Yes, that sentence doesn’t actually make sense, but if you’re Stephen Colbert it does. Colbert typed the most popular tweet of 2010 in the midst of the BP oil spill disaster back in June: “in honor of oil-soaked birds, ‘tweets’ are now ‘gurgles.” Recognizing this great achievement, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone gave Colbert the first-ever

Stephen Colbert Wins Twitter Read More 👉

ABC Nails BP for Having 760 "Egregious, Willful" Safety Violations, Daily Show Catches CEO Tony Hayward Lying on TV [VIDEO]

ABC and Jon Stewart of the Daily Show tear into BP for a ridiculous amount of serious safety violations and for lying on TV about them. Watch the video below. [social_buttons] ABC News nails BP in an interview with CEO Tony Hayward, showing that BP had 760 “egregious and willful” safety violations in the past

ABC Nails BP for Having 760 "Egregious, Willful" Safety Violations, Daily Show Catches CEO Tony Hayward Lying on TV [VIDEO] Read More 👉

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