More Shark Humor
WWF, thanks for this “worm in the apple” humor concerning sharks!
Thanks for the season confirmation, Jim Hunt! For more, visit Jim at www.ACARTOONIST.COM or
Allergy Season Begins (cartoon) Read More 👉
Don’t look up… er, don’t look down… er, butt first… er, just turn around and crawl down on all fours as fast as you can (vertigo from, no user credited).
Vertigo In The Andes Read More 👉
Thanks to George Takei on Facebook! for this great Groundhog Day photoon!
"Bones" On Groundhog Day Read More 👉
“Threat analysis from TEPCO. Accuracy? Credibility?” (Photo and story from International Business Times.)
Typhoon Report From TEPCO Read More 👉
Could this be the reason? h/t Climate Progress
Why Earth Hasn't Been Contacted by Intelligent Life from Other Planets (Cartoon) Read More 👉
Along with all the HUGE Occupy news today and this week, here are some good, ‘humours’ Occupy cartoons, graphs, and images:
Occupy Wall Street Humor Read More 👉
We just used this cartoon in another post, but it is such an awesome cartoon that I wanted to highlight it by sharing it by itself. So accurate. The message is dead clear, and has been from day one, but the media (most large media corporations, that is) seem dead set on not hearing
Occupy Message Pretty Clear (But Media Can't Hear It) Read More 👉
OK, file this under Too Cute Not to Share. A cat barking at something on the other side of the window finds itself being watched by some humans.. and switches to meowing:
Barking Cat Sees Humans,.. Starts Meowing (VIDEO) Read More 👉
To be honest, I would not be surprised in the least if Huntsman felt like this is a bit (as reported previously, Huntsman is just about the only Republican presidential candidate that even has half a clue when it comes to basic scientific knowledge, including climate science knowledge, and he has mentioned that). Now, this
Huntsman Relieved at Cain's Surge & Republicans Shunning Him Read More 👉
One of the best news sources around, The Onion, had a great post recently on endangered blue butterflies and their efforts to bring humans with them:
Frank Luntz is, no doubt, good with words (and a little more than that). He holds his fair share of responsibility for the climate crisis we’re in, too, as he has helped the Republican Party avoid action on this critical topic through word games. (Note: he doesn’t like talking about that much these days.)
The uber-funny Stephen Colbert sat down with him recently to learn a trick or two. The resulting video is hilarious (while also a bit interesting). The funny thing is, Luntz seems to not get that Colbert’s job is to be ridiculous and funny while also poking fun at crazy Republicans. Not sure how he could not get that, or if he just gets irritated somewhat easily.
Colbert Chats with GOP Wordsmith/Spinmaster, Confuses Him (Video) Read More 👉
OK, I’m stealing these from Climate Progress, but they’re really good. Enjoy! & drop more in the comments below if you can.he
Heat Wave Cartoons Read More 👉
How’s this for completely hilarious?
Turtle Not Scared of Police {Funny Picture} Read More 👉
Climate Progress likes to highlight fun articles on global warming and political matters from The Onion (“America’s Finest News Source”) from time to time and recently recycled a couple from previous years. I love this one, so am sharing here as well…
Huriphoonado Crosses World, Causes Unprecedented Destruction {The Onion} Read More 👉
This is totally awesome. The ridiculousness of this guy getting a ticket for not riding in the bike lane is made obvious when he decides to then ALWAYS ride in the bike lane, film it, and show the world who should really be getting the tickets.
Great episode of the Daily Show this week. Jon Stewart does a good job helping Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lisa P. Jackson make some important points that need to be heard while having a bit of fun as well.
Daily Show Hosts EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson {VIDEOS} Read More 👉
Seriously, this is what we need more of from Obama and Democratic leadership — not only the great humor that would garner a TON more attention to U.S. politics, but the innovative calling out of ridiculous attacks on him and his policies and the U.S. public.
Here are two great videos I had to share. Translation of the message at the end of the one above is: “It’s smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus.”
Awesome Public Transit, Penguin, Bee Ads [VIDEO] Read More 👉
We’ve got a lot of crazy stuff going on these days. It makes you wonder if society isn’t just increasingly obsessed with craziness and subconsciously determined to do crazy, self-destructive things… what else would explain our obsession with Charlie Sheen, our ignorance of and inaction on catastrophic climate change, and our decision to put people
Charlie Sheen Cartoon, Climate Change, and the U.S. Today Read More 👉
This video needs some more views. Excellent. Hilarious. Simple enough communication for anyone (ok,.. almost anyone) to understand. via Climate Denial Crock of the Week
Global Warming: One of the Best Videos on the Debate (Bill Maher) Read More 👉
OK, one more wrap-up this week. And perhaps our last weekly wrap-up, period. As I am thinking I will switch to daily wrap-ups instead. (Let me know if you have any objection.) As the title says, this wrap-up is of good or cool green living stories. Biking Biking is one of the greenest things you
Green Living Stories of the Last Week (or So) Read More 👉
Did you have a hard time following the COP 16 climate negotiations in Cancun last year? Want a quick wrap-up of what happened? Well, a little late perhaps, but the UK Youth Delegation to COP 16 in Cancun has created a nice little video wrapping things up. Basically, a replay of the conference. For more
What Happened in Cancun? [FUNNY VIDEO] Read More 👉
Wow, no joke. Connecting the dots, the religious right solves this freak occurrence we were struggling with for weeks. Related Stories: 1. Mass Bird Deaths, Fish Deaths from Earth’s Magnetic Polar Shifts? 2. Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Caused by Hydraulic Fracking & Earthquakes? 3. ‘Pole Flips’, Earth Wobbles, Bird Deaths and ‘End Times’ [VIDEO]
Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Due to Gay Marriage! Problem Solved [VIDEO] Read More 👉
Here’s a great fun video for you bike lovers (or those of you all-too-familiar with the agony of sitting in your car for countless hours in traffic, struggling to find parking, or getting a hefty speeding ticket). Luckily, we also got a translation of the video from a friendly reader over on EcoLocalizer: Cop says:
Funny Bike Video: "Cycling Sucks" Read More 👉
Nice. Found this on Climate Denial Crock of the Week. I’m sure Peter Sinclair knows this feeling. I run into it (and the situation in the cartoon) all too often 😀 (If you didn’t catch it, SIWOTI stands for “Someone Is Wrong On The Internet.”) Image Credit: xkdc
I Can't Sleep Now, SIWOTI [CARTOON] Read More 👉
Of course, I wouldn’t endorse that ridiculous claim that global warming is a hoax for a second. The science is clear. However, even if you were completely confused about this matter, what would be the point of not working to improve our society with clean energy, more jobs, clean water and air, a better quality
Global Warming — What If It’s a Big Hoax [CARTOON] Read More 👉
Stephen Colbert (the quite famous fake conservative pundit) covered global warming in a recent show in which he interviewed Fen Montaigne, author of the new book Fraser’s Penguins: A Journey to the Future in Antarctica. Colbert says that he believed global warming was happening in 2007 “because Al Gore’s movie made money, but now,.. he’s
Stephen Colbert Takes on Global Warming [VIDEO] Read More 👉
Joe Romm of Climate Progress has a post up on the best climate and energy cartoons or other humor of 2010. Definitely worth a share. Here are few cartoons from the post as a teaser. More in the article and a ton more good ones in the comments. Enjoy! (I thought about compiling my own
Best Climate or Energy Humor of 2010 Read More 👉 A nice David Letterman Top 10 list (text below). 10. “Mr. Boehner, please stop crying.” 9. “How do we blame this dead bird thing on Obama.” 8. “I think he was just sworn in on a copy of Snooki’s new book.” 7. “Beer me.” 6. “Alright, you’ve had six hours, is the economy fixed?”
Letterman: Top 10 Things Overheard During Republicans’ 1st Day in Charge of House Read More 👉
Yes, that sentence doesn’t actually make sense, but if you’re Stephen Colbert it does. Colbert typed the most popular tweet of 2010 in the midst of the BP oil spill disaster back in June: “in honor of oil-soaked birds, ‘tweets’ are now ‘gurgles.” Recognizing this great achievement, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone gave Colbert the first-ever
Stephen Colbert Wins Twitter Read More 👉
Did Chevron fall off your radar for a moment after the hilarious spoofs of its ridiculous PR campaign last month? Well, if it did, it’s time to put it back on there. Amazon Watch, Rainforest Action Network, and The Yes Men continue to take it to the company with a new FunnyorDie video, “Anatomy of a Greenwash.”
Comedy Video “Anatomy of a Greenwash” Keeps the Focus on Chevron Read More 👉
This video is extremely funny. It looks like the Onion in video format. I wasn’t sure at first, but thanks to a reader for letting us know that this is a comedy skit, not real life. Nonetheless, you have to watch this video. Too funny. Thanks to Tim Hurst of ecopolitology for this great
Funny, Funny Video of Australian Senator Read More 👉
Excellent “fake” news story on the Onion about millions of gallons of oil reaching port and the pending environmental and human disasters expected to follow.
I love this cartoon — a picture’s worth a thousand words. Joe Mohr, the cartoonist, wrote on Planetsave awhile back, and I’ll take this opportunity to announce that we’ll start featuring his cartoons on Planetsave once a week now.
If Climate Change Were a Dog (Cartoon) Read More 👉
Some of the best BP and oil spill jokes (so far) from David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Bill Maher, and other leading comedians. With big news comes big jokes, even when the news is completely depressing and disheartening. Or perhaps because the news is such and we need a way to lighten up in
BP and Oil Spill Jokes from David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, and More Read More 👉
[social_buttons] Following Obama’s BP oil spill speech and 3 ways you can take action in response to the BP oil spill, I thought I’d add one more post on the BP oil spill today. This is a hilarious, if not still very sad, video mocking BP’s response to its oil spill in the Gulf of
BP Response to Oil Spill Video [Humor] Read More 👉
ABC and Jon Stewart of the Daily Show tear into BP for a ridiculous amount of serious safety violations and for lying on TV about them. Watch the video below. [social_buttons] ABC News nails BP in an interview with CEO Tony Hayward, showing that BP had 760 “egregious and willful” safety violations in the past