greenhouse gas

NASA Releases New Climate Forecasts Through 2100

The good news is that NASA has just released research on how temperature and rainfall patterns worldwide may change because of the concentrations of greenhouse gas growing in Earth’s atmosphere. The space scientists have based their conclusions on historical measurements and robust scenarios of increasing carbon dioxide produced from 21 climate models: specifically, General Circulation

NASA Releases New Climate Forecasts Through 2100 Read More 👉

What Causes Global Warming?

Droughts, lengthy hot spells, heavy downpours, floods, and other extreme weather events are occurring more frequently and intensely every year. Around the world, research teams are analyzing these trends, noting the changes in temperature, rainfall, ice mass, sea level, and many other variables recorded by weather measuring devices. The trends are undeniable: the Earth is

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Many State Governors With US House In Blocking Climate Action

On Tuesday, one big handy graphic appeared online detailing what every state governor really believes about climate change. The Center for American Progress released an interactive map of the 50 states. It details the sad fact that half of America’s 29 Republican governors agree with the anti-science caucus of Congress. Tiffany Germain And Ryan Koronowski, who wrote the

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UN Nails Forest Risks, Strategy In Warsaw With REDD+

At the late November meeting of UN climate delegates in Warsaw, negotiators from Canada–once a strong supporter of fast-start financing to limit greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries–and Australia, now led by a rashly conservative government, sat on their hands. Reeling from the costs of mitigation at Fukushima and a stopgap return to fossil fuels,

UN Nails Forest Risks, Strategy In Warsaw With REDD+ Read More 👉

"Lousy, Spoilt, and Defiled Planet" Climate Talks Begin In Warsaw

Officials open the 2013 UNFCCC meetings with determination and louder warnings…. (Photo source: It’s time for the governments of the world to struggle with climate change policy again. Every year, late in November and early in December, representatives of 195 nations gather for two weeks to try to negotiate global responses to the increasingly

"Lousy, Spoilt, and Defiled Planet" Climate Talks Begin In Warsaw Read More 👉

Shutter 1.2% Of Power Plants, Cut Carbon Costs By 20%

The nation’s most-polluting power plant, Georgia Power Company’s Plant Scherer in Juliette, Georgia, emits more carbon dioxide than all of Maine’s energy emissions. Here’s more from Environment America: On September 10, the Environment America Research & Policy Center, an independent nonprofit, and the Frontier Group presented a mighty appealing fast track toward limiting the U.S.

Shutter 1.2% Of Power Plants, Cut Carbon Costs By 20% Read More 👉

Siberian Caves Point To Devastating Future Thawing And CO2 Release

A team of scientists from Britain, Russia, Mongolia, and Switzerland have released a report which finds that evidence obtained from Siberian caves suggest that a global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius could result in permanently frozen ground end up thawing across a massive swathe of Siberia, threatening a release of carbon dioxide. Such a

Siberian Caves Point To Devastating Future Thawing And CO2 Release Read More 👉

Slow Global Warming, Improve Health, Boost Agriculture, NOW!

NASA has released a study that highlights 14 key air pollution control measures that could slow the pace of global warming, improve health, and boost agricultural production if they were implemented. This Flickr slideshow highlights key emission control strategies that could help limit the release of black carbon and methane into the atmosphere. NASA’s Drew

Slow Global Warming, Improve Health, Boost Agriculture, NOW! Read More 👉

Carbon Emissions Continue to Rise Despite Reductions

In a report entitled “Long-term trend in global CO2 emissions” prepared by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, it has been found that global emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased by 45% between 1990 and 2010 and reached an all-time high of 33 billion tonnes by 2010, all despite increased energy efficiency, nuclear energy and a growing renewable energy industry.

Carbon Emissions Continue to Rise Despite Reductions Read More 👉

No Tipping Points for Arctic Sea Ice Loss

A growing body of scientific evidence has led researchers to believe that in a warmer climate there will be no “tipping point” beyond which the Arctic sea ice cannot recover if temperatures start to decrease. Added to this is new research out of the University of Washington which suggests that even if the planet warmed enough to melt all polar sea ice, it could still recover if the temperatures cooled again.

No Tipping Points for Arctic Sea Ice Loss Read More 👉

Carbon Release 10 Times as Fast Today than Historically

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which took place some 55.9 million years ago, is the best analogue that we currently have for understanding what might happen if greenhouse gas emissions are not curtailed soon, and according to a new study, the rate of release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere today is 10 times as fast when compared to the PETM.

Carbon Release 10 Times as Fast Today than Historically Read More 👉

Arctic Affected by Climate Change More than Expected

• The last five years have been the warmest since 1880 when monitoring began
• Tree ring data suggest that the summer temperatures over the past few decades have been the highest in 2000 years
• Snow cover in May and June has decrease by close to 20%
• The winter season in the Arctic has been shortened by almost two weeks
• There is worry about the decrease in snow and ice cover in the Arctic that will decrease the amount of solar radiation reflected back out into the atmosphere
• Warming is only expected to continue
• Sea level rise by 2100 is expected to be between 0.9 and 1.6 metres, approximately twice what was predicted by the UN panel on climate change

Arctic Affected by Climate Change More than Expected Read More 👉

Is Our Hot Past Representative of Our Future

An analysis by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Jeffrey Kiehl published in the most recent edition of the journal Science in the ‘Perspectives’ section has concluded that the sheer scale of climate change during Earth’s ancient history points to temperatures rising far more than expected in Earth’s immediate future. Kiehl brought together several

Is Our Hot Past Representative of Our Future Read More 👉

Waterways Increasing Nitrous Oxide in Atmosphere

“Runoff from agricultural and urban watersheds has increased the availability of nitrogen in streams and rivers, greatly increasing nitrous oxide production rates,” said Jake Beaulieu, a postdoctoral researcher at the Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati, Ohio, who along with Jennifer Tank, Galla Professor of Biological Sciences at the University, are the lead authors of a

Waterways Increasing Nitrous Oxide in Atmosphere Read More 👉

Breaths of Fresh Air: Bush-Era Pollution Waivers Rejected By Courts

Power plants play a huge role in emitting pollutants that make up the ozone. This pollution browns and blackens our horizons. We call it smog. Smog has been linked to premature deaths, thousands of emergency room visits, and tens of thousands of asthma attacks each year. Pollution in the ozone is particularly dangerous to small children and the elderly, who are often warned to stay indoors on days with poor air quality due to pollutants.

Breaths of Fresh Air: Bush-Era Pollution Waivers Rejected By Courts Read More 👉

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