global warming gop

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers

Tom Toles creates some of the best climate change and political cartoons I’ve seen. He’s a Pullitzer-Prize winning cartoonist who works for the Washington Post. After the “1,000,000th email [in a day] complaining that [he’s] not fair to the Republicans” following a recent cartoon of his (above), Toles wrote the following (a great post on global warming denial and Republicans)

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers Read More 👉

USA Today: Climate Science Deniers are Like "Birthers"

The LA Times and Washington Post aren’t the only major media outlets that are starting to tear into the Republican party and other global warming deniers for their absolute rejection of science. USA Today, which I think has really turned things around in recent years and has some of the best climate change coverage of any major newspaper company, had an excellent editorial on the matter recently, one that compares climate science deniers to “birthers” (the folks who didn’t and maybe still don’t believe that Obama was born in the United States).

USA Today: Climate Science Deniers are Like "Birthers" Read More 👉

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