global warming deniers

Climate Deniers — to the Moon! (New Solution to Stop Global Warming)

  If only it were a viable solution. The idea did come up at a round-table global warming discussion in California last week, though. More from Mark Hertsgaard over on Grist: The proposal came yesterday during a freewheeling panel discussion among California Gov. Jerry Brown, Virgin Group Chair Sir Richard Branson, and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]

Climate Deniers — to the Moon! (New Solution to Stop Global Warming) Read More 👉

Who Are the Real Skeptics?

Good question, and good answer, from Australian journalism student Matt Bush has an excellent piece on the horrid reporting around “Climategate 2.0.” Here’s the intro as a taster: Did you hear about this Climategate 2.0 bullshit? Why are journalists not getting fired for all this ridiculously irresponsible misreporting? Over the last couple of days, we’ve been

Who Are the Real Skeptics? Read More 👉

Activism News & Action Opportunities Round-Up (10 Stories)

  1. Activists occupied KFC on two continents last week. More from the Dogwood Alliance: “Colonel Sanders and various woodland creatures made appearances at over 150 KFC restaurants across the country and various locations in Europe to deliver a message, ‘Stop destroying Southern forests for your throwaway packaging.’ The iconic KFC bucket and other KFC

Activism News & Action Opportunities Round-Up (10 Stories) Read More 👉

Hilarious Video: Lord Monckton Punked

First of all, if you don’t know who Lord Monckton is, he’s a global warming denier who can even make some deniers look like sane people. Skeptical Science has put together a nice summary and debunking of his many climate science myths. He’s also the guy picture above and featured in the video below. (Note: the House of Lords really has told him to stop using the title ‘Lord’ and identifying himself with the House.)

Anyway, check. this. one. out:

Hilarious Video: Lord Monckton Punked Read More 👉

BEST Study (Climate Science Skeptic Study) Finds Global Warming is Real — Global Warming Deniers Are Pissed (What's New?)

When Richard Muller launched the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study (BEST) to “independently” evaluate once and for all if global warming was happening or not, many of us followers of climate science were a bit irritated. Why?

THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED repeatedly. Nearly every overarching scientific body and organization connected with the matter has backed up the clear findings, because it is not just 1 or 2 things telling us the world is warming — about a dozen long-researched factors show us very clearly that the world is warming due to human greenhouse gas emissions.

The BEST study was partially funded by some of the biggest global warming deniers on the planet.
Richard Muller was widely known for completely misquoting and misrepresenting both climate scientists and Al Gore on this matter.

Well, even despite the potential bias and flaws, the now-released results of the BEST study reiterate (for the umpteenth time) global warming is happening. The results are nearly identical to the results of so many climate scientists and overarching scientific bodies before it that this really would not be news in a sane world. From the BEST study:

BEST Study (Climate Science Skeptic Study) Finds Global Warming is Real — Global Warming Deniers Are Pissed (What's New?) Read More 👉

How Global Temperatures Predictions Compare to What Happened (Skeptics Off Target)

Skeptical Science has another great post up this week that I just have to repost in full (which includes some pretty wicked graphics). It takes a look at how various climate scientists’ predictions ended up comparing to what we’ve actually seen. As you’ll be able to see, several skeptics basically failed, while leading scientists such as Dr. James Hansen (a regular climate activist, as well as the top climatologist at NASA) and those at the IPCC did pretty darn well. Here’s a repost of Comparing Global Temperature Predictions:

How Global Temperatures Predictions Compare to What Happened (Skeptics Off Target) Read More 👉

Secretary of Agriculture: "Hard to Explain" How Anyone Could Not Tell the Climate is Changing

Yes, with heat records in the U.S. and elsewhere being set like there’s no tomorrow, disaster records being set in a similar manner, and a little bit of 1 plus 1 equals 2, it’s hard to believe anyone would not believe climate change is already happening. Add on the following chart on who has stated global warming is happening and who hasn’t and one really has to wonder what Tea Partiers are smoking (since it is mostly just Tea Partiers who are still denying the science).

Secretary of Agriculture: "Hard to Explain" How Anyone Could Not Tell the Climate is Changing Read More 👉

Hide the Decline! {VIDEO}

I shared this video as part of another post the other day, but it is a truly excellent video, so I wanted to feature it in its own post. The video was created about a month and a half ago, but as long as completely ridiculous understandings of climate science, climate scientists, and “climategate” prevail, it will be relevant… Check it out!

Hide the Decline! {VIDEO} Read More 👉

Prominent Former Global Warming Skeptic & Conservative Tackles GOP's "rejection of proven science"

Anyone with a moral conscience who digs into climate science at all (not snake science from global warming denier websites, but real climate science), will find that humans are causing global warming, the effects of global warming are serious, and we should be doing something NOW to address the issue.

I’ve been covering stories on a number of “climate science skeptics” and conservatives who, after delving into the science for real, found that the evidence for the above was overwhelming and “changed sides” (starting working to address climate change not hide from it).

Here’s a bit from a piece by another former global warming skeptic, former Republican Party officer and author Michael Stafford….

Prominent Former Global Warming Skeptic & Conservative Tackles GOP's "rejection of proven science" Read More 👉

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers

Tom Toles creates some of the best climate change and political cartoons I’ve seen. He’s a Pullitzer-Prize winning cartoonist who works for the Washington Post. After the “1,000,000th email [in a day] complaining that [he’s] not fair to the Republicans” following a recent cartoon of his (above), Toles wrote the following (a great post on global warming denial and Republicans)

Cartoonist Tom Toles Slams Republican Global Warming Deniers Read More 👉

USA Today: Climate Science Deniers are Like "Birthers"

The LA Times and Washington Post aren’t the only major media outlets that are starting to tear into the Republican party and other global warming deniers for their absolute rejection of science. USA Today, which I think has really turned things around in recent years and has some of the best climate change coverage of any major newspaper company, had an excellent editorial on the matter recently, one that compares climate science deniers to “birthers” (the folks who didn’t and maybe still don’t believe that Obama was born in the United States).

USA Today: Climate Science Deniers are Like "Birthers" Read More 👉

Why Is the World Not Freaking Out about a Major, Plagiarized Global Warming Denial Report?

When a totally false scandal breaks out based on a clear crime (breaking into, stealing, and publishing portions of scientist’s emails in a way as to frame them) and climate scientists are the victims, the media and public jump all over it (in completely the wrong way).

When, however, one of climate deniers’ prize reports is found to have been largely plagiarized (not to mention seriously flawed), no one seems to care.

As you may (or may not) have heard, the Wegman Report, a key report attacking the “hockey stick graph” and leading climate scientists, in general, was found to be based on plagiarized material (and was also found to be seriously flawed, scientifically).

Why Is the World Not Freaking Out about a Major, Plagiarized Global Warming Denial Report? Read More 👉

'Temperature Leads Carbon' Climate Denial Crock {VIDEO}

From our favorite climate denial de-crocker on the web, here’s another great video from him (recently updated). As he summarizes on Climate Denial Crock of the Week:

“For a lot of climate deniers, this is their penultimate argument, the master climate crock. They think it’s the stroke to end all arguments.  It’s only the most outrageous and dishonest cherry pick of all time.”

'Temperature Leads Carbon' Climate Denial Crock {VIDEO} Read More 👉

Unprecedented Attack on Progressive Blogs, Bloggers, Democracy, Journalists, and Their Families

I’ve been keeping up with a number of the stories hinted at in the headline above but have yet to comment on them. Truthfully, it’s hard to keep up. There seems to be another huge story on these topics every time I turn around, and they get more and more creepy/concerning. Where to start this

Unprecedented Attack on Progressive Blogs, Bloggers, Democracy, Journalists, and Their Families Read More 👉

Climate Denial Right Wing Noise Machine Goes After Mark Hertsgaard, Hertsagaard Responds

Of course, after Mark Hertsgaard and others put the pressure on climate cranks such as Senator James (global warming is a hoax) Inhofe last week (see: Hertsgaard Nails Inhofe, Oil Lobbyists [Amazing Video Interviews] and HOT Author Mark Hertsgaard & Others Interrogating Climate Cranks this Week [VIDEO]), the global warming denial and right wind noise machine had

Climate Denial Right Wing Noise Machine Goes After Mark Hertsgaard, Hertsagaard Responds Read More 👉

David Koch, Tea Party Billionaire, Denies Climate Change, Shrugs Off His Carbon Footprint [VIDEO]

In the second part of a 3-part series on David Koch based on an interview with him, Lee Fang of ThinkProgress discusses Koch’s opinions on climate change and his “shrug” regarding his own carbon pollution. Here’s more: This week, ThinkProgress conducted an impromptu interview with David Koch — one of the richest men in America, co-owner

David Koch, Tea Party Billionaire, Denies Climate Change, Shrugs Off His Carbon Footprint [VIDEO] Read More 👉

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