food security

Climate Change-Induced Collapse of Civilization by 2040 Reports UK Foreign Office

Releasing this exclusive freely in the public interest, best-selling author Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is offering a unique view of the critically significant impact that climate change is having on our lives, our livelihoods, and even our likelihood of survival on this planet. Dr Nafeez Ahmed is an international security scholar and investigative journalist, currently serving as a […]

Climate Change-Induced Collapse of Civilization by 2040 Reports UK Foreign Office Read More 👉

Apocalypse News Roundup: Corn Declines, A Killer New Virus, NASA Forecasts 'Irreversible Collapse' & Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse [VIDEO]

Greetings faithful readers… Well, March is turning out to be a fine month for apocalyptica of seemingly every sort…So, as your faithful reporter of all things cataclysmic and eschatological (well, I try), I give you this friendly round-up of end-full news items for your reading pleasure, with brief commentary. To wit: Maize Can’t Take the Blaze

Apocalypse News Roundup: Corn Declines, A Killer New Virus, NASA Forecasts 'Irreversible Collapse' & Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Climate Change a Top Priority for U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

  Originally posted on Climate Progress, with only the photo added: by Zachary Rybarczyk Developing countries (including China) are expected to account for more than 90% of global energy growth in the next 30 years.  The U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) is addressing the urgent need for sustainable, clean economic growth in these regions

Climate Change a Top Priority for U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Read More 👉

Global Food Security & Warming-Driven Drought — Biggest Climate News of the Year?

  As Dr Joe Romm notes, there are a number of huge climate stories this year. However, he thinks the biggest was the increasing food insecurity related to global warming. I’ve written about this several times, mostly on Eat Drink Better, I think, but also several times here on Planetsave. It’s an important topic, and

Global Food Security & Warming-Driven Drought — Biggest Climate News of the Year? Read More 👉

Thailand Suffers Most Costly Flood in History – 10% of Annual Rice Crop Destroyed

The tropical tourist paradise of Thailand is currently suffering through enormously costly floods, resulting from a “weak” La Niña monsoon season. Following September’s extremely heavy rains — five feet of rain for the month — the monsoon season continues virtually unabated into this month, where it also coincided, last weekend, with the highest tides of the month. It is estimated that 10 % of the nation’s rice crop has been destroyed, so far, costing nearly 4 billion USD, and growing. This will have certain impact on global food prices (driving them higher) and on food security for tens of millions of people.

Thailand Suffers Most Costly Flood in History – 10% of Annual Rice Crop Destroyed Read More 👉

Question: How to Curb CO2 Emissions and Feed the World?

In a recent paper published on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences website (Greenhouse gas mitigation by agricultural intensification, by Jennifer A. Burney, Steven J. Davis, and
David B. Lobell), the authors estimated the GHG emissions from U.S. agriculture for the period from 1961 through 2005–a period of great agricultural intensification–and show a massive decrease in GHG emissions as a result of this intensification.

Question: How to Curb CO2 Emissions and Feed the World? Read More 👉

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