We Have A Problem
The status quo is widepread environmental destruction. We have the solutions, but some people prefer the status quo. For now, they are getting their way.
The status quo is widepread environmental destruction. We have the solutions, but some people prefer the status quo. For now, they are getting their way.
Most of us do not spend our waking hours reading the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. Certainly no one in the #FakeTrump administration does, as they are too busy lining their own pockets at public expense and practicing the art of self aggrandizement. But if we did, we might
Is The World On The Verge Of A Sixth Mass Extinction? Scientists Say Yes Read More 👉
The number of individual animals in the world — amongst birds, amphibians, mammals, and reptiles, etc. — has been reduced by as much as 50% over the last few decades, a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found. To put that another way, the last few decades, since
World’s Total Animal Numbers Dropped ~50% Over Last Few Decades, Research Finds Read More 👉
Tanzania has lost two-thirds of its elephant population in just the last 4 years, as a result of growing demand for ivory and the increasing professionalism of poachers, according to recent reports. Elephant numbers in the African country stood at around 316,000 individuals in 1976 (based on aerial surveys); 13,084 in 2013; and 8200 in
Tanzania Has Lost Two-Thirds Of Its Elephants In Just The Last 4 Years Read More 👉
Plants are apparently affected far less by mass extinctions than animals are, according to new research from the University of Gothenberg. Despite their ubiquity in the terrestrial environments of the last 400 or so million years, plants just don’t seem to be as affected by mass extinction events as animals are, according to the new
Plants Much Less Affected By Mass Extinctions Than Animals, Research Finds Read More 👉
A significant proportion — 20-25% — of all well-known marine species are headed rapidly towards extinction, new research from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Animal and Plant Sciences has found. The new work — which made use of the most comprehensive conservation data available for both marine and non-marine organisms — demonstrates that marine
20-25% Of All Well-Known Marine Species Headed Towards Extinction, Research Finds Read More 👉
European and American salamander species could very well cease to exist thanks to an emerging disease spread by the international wildlife trade if there’s nothing done to stop it, according to new research from the University of Maryland. The new disease — caused by a fungus brought to Europe from Southeast Asia — is already
Salamanders Threatened With Extinction Via Emerging Disease Spread By Wildlife Trade Read More 👉
Remember the difference between weather and climate? We know what happens when the weather changes—it’s obvious. Climate is another story. Read on. When it rains, you put on a raincoat or take your umbrella when you go out. It snows: time for high boots, a heavier coat, scarf, and warm gloves. And sunny days, well,
What Is Climate Change? (VIDEO) Read More 👉
Not much of a fish feast for the anyone with overfishing and pollutants in the waters. Thanks to Catholic Online.
Food Fish On Their Way Out? Read More 👉
(All figures are from the 2014 National Climate Assessment draft.) Later today (Tuesday, May 6), at 8 a.m. EDT, the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee of experts meets by conference call to approve the final version of the Third National Climate Assessment. The gist of their message, as Suzanne Goldenberg of The Guardian
National Climate Assessment Pulls No Punches About US Options Read More 👉
One of the last regions on the planet to be colonized by humans, the Pacific Islands, were home to over 1,000 unique species of birds that became extinct concurrently with the colonization, new research from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has found. As recently as 2000 BC, many of the tropical Pacific Islands were
Mass Extinction Of Birds In The Pacific Islands Was Caused By Humans, Research Shows Read More 👉
New research by scientists has found that biodiversity on Earth actually increases as the planet warms. However, importantly, this growth is observed in the evolution of new species over millions of years and is most often accompanied by the extinction of other species.
The present trend of accelerated warming is not likely to boost global biodiversity, rather, it is set to destroy it.
Warming Earth Results in Contrasting Consequences, But Not So Fast Read More 👉
by Jared Conner People, As humans, we have long considered the Earth as invincible, unchangeable, and unable to be exploited. The thing is, we are wrong. Because of our flawed beliefs over the last two centuries, we have begun to wound, change, and exploit the Earth. And if we do not unite, forget our differences, and work together to stop and
The Fate of Mankind Read More 👉
The rapid decline of the world’s animal, plant, and fungi species is threatening the livelihood of many millions of people. Food, clean water, medicine, and climate, are heavily dependent on the myriad numbers of species in the world, many of which are rapidly approaching extinction from primarily human activities. The IUCN Red List of
The Red List Of Threatened Species, Annual Report Released (VIDEO) Read More 👉
9 percent of the mammals in the Western Hemisphere, 40 percent in some areas, are unlikely to move their range fast enough to avoid extinction. Previous studies have looked into where mammals will move as their environments become unlivable from the changing climate. But a new study by the University of Washington questions whether they
Loss of biodiversity appears to negatively affect ecosystems as much as climate change, pollution or other major stressors. In some cases, it has reduced overall plant growth by over 10 percent. “Some people have assumed that biodiversity effects are relatively minor compared to other environmental stressors,” said biologist David Hooper of Western Washington University,
New research adds more information to the long discussed cause of the Permian-Triassic extinction event by looking into the possibility that Earth’s largest known extinction event was caused by a massive eruption of the Siberian Traps. The research, published January 9 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, offers new insight into just how
Were Siberian Volcanoes Responsible for Permian Extinction Event? Read More 👉
“We have really sophisticated meteorological models for predicting climate change,” says ecologist Mark Urban, the lead author of a study that looks at whether the current climate models properly understand species competition and movement and, therefore, the impact the future climate will have on animals. “But in real life, animals move around, they compete, they
Do Climate Models Underestimate Extinctions? Read More 👉
New evidence points to rapid collapse of Earth’s species 252 million years ago. Since the first organisms appeared on Earth approximately 3.8 billion years ago, life on the planet has had some close calls. In the last 500 million years, Earth has undergone five mass extinctions, including the event 66 million years ago that wiped
CO2 Increase Linked to World's Largest Extinction (Cause Unknown) Read More 👉
Lions, these wonderful big cats — I think there isn’t anybody who has ever avoided their charm — could be extinct in just 15 years. Even though they are dangerous, they are lovable, too. But, unfortunately, there’s some really bad news: their numbers have been shrinking tremendously over the last 50 years! While, in 1960, there were a healthy 450,000 lions in wild, in 2010, were only 20,000! If that trend continued, lions would become extinct in just just over 10 years.
Lions Could Be Extinct in 10-15 Years! Read More 👉
Yes, the eastern cougar has been declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It’s very sad news, indeed, but in a world that is in the midst of the 6th mass extinction, it is not even close to a surprise. In 1973, the eastern cougar was listed as an endangered species. But it
Eastern Cougar Now Officially Extinct Read More 👉
New research led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology, Caltech, have discovered new details that support the idea that the mass extinction that took place approximately 450 million years ago, known as the Late Ordovician mass extinction, was linked to a cooling climate. During the Late Ordovician mass extinction more than 75 percent
Link Found Between Ancient Climate Change and Mass Extinction Read More 👉
The Permian-Triassic extinction event – also known as the Great Dying – is recorded as the most significant extinction event in Earth’s history, seeing a whopping 96% of marine species killed off, 70% of land-based animals, and is the only extinction event to have affected insects. Researchers at the University of Calgary believe that they
Biggest Extinction Event Caused by Volcanoes Read More 👉
In concluding the International Year of Biodiversity, the good news is that manatees are still with us, the bad news is that manatee deaths in U.S. waters continue to climb. In 2009, there were 429 reported manatee deaths, which was about double the number from 2008. As of December 2010, however, manatee deaths totaled 699.
U.S. Manatee Deaths Hit Record Level in 2010 Read More 👉
Humanity has moved about in such a way, disrupting many fragile ecosystems the world over, and introduced new and often harmful species into these environments, to a point that mass extinction could be on its way, according to a new study that looked at the effect invasive species have and had on biodiversity. “We refer
What Causes Mass Extinctions Read More 👉
The seasonal loss of ice in the Arctic which scientists believe will eventually lead to ice-free summers could have both beneficial and negative effects for the mammals that have over millennia adapted to life in the cold and harsh environment, according to a new research paper published in the December 15 issue of the journal
Hybridization Good and Bad for Arctic Mammals Read More 👉
A recent article in NZ Herald News discusses the looming food crisis and how it might become the world’s biggest problem in the decades to come. “If the world doesn’t act now, it faces a catastrophic global food shortage by mid-century,” Greg Ansley writes. Ansely cites numerous recent studies concerning the degradation of our oceans
World’s Biggest Looming Problem a Food Crisis? Read More 👉
Climate Progress recently put together a piece on the top 10 climate science news stories of 2010 (so far). A lot of news that doesn’t hit the mainstream media. Here’s are a few of the stories: 1. Nature: “Global warming blamed for 40% decline in the ocean’s phytoplankton”: “Microscopic life crucial to the marine food
Top 10 Climate Science News of 2010 Read More 👉
A massive report published last week by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the international journal Science shows us exactly how bad we are doing as stewards of the world. The report, the culmination of 5 decades of work by 174 scientists, examined approximately 25,000 species in nearly 40 countries. The overall finding
1/5 of Animals Facing Extinction: Mass Extinction is Here Read More 👉
A global analysis of the extinction risk for the world’s plants has found that more than a fifth of all plant species on Earth are threatened with extinction. This is the first time the true extent of the threat to the estimated 380,000 plant species has been revealed. The research was conducted by the Royal
One Fifth of Plants Face Extinction Read More 👉
Rather than wait until I do my global warming news of the week wrap-up to share this, here is another excellent video by top climate de-crocker, Peter Sinclair. While polar bears are one obvious species endangered by climate change, there are more than a few. Humans are causing the 6th mass extinction in the history
Extinction: Not Just for Polar Bears Any More Read More 👉
The world’s biggest cat, the tiger, is now living out its life in about six percent of the available habitat it could be living in. This according to a new peer-reviewed paper by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other groups who have identified 42 source sites scattered across Asia that will be the last
Last Remaining Tigers Living in Six Percent of Available Habitat Read More 👉
A giant turtle species that scientists thought had gone extinct 50,000 years ago actually survived until recently on a small Pacific island. Apparently, though, it didn’t take long for humans to finish the species off. The turtle species belonged to a family of turtles that evolved 50 million years ago, the scientists say. Scientists
Huge Turtle Species Survived 50 Million Years, until Humans Came Along Read More 👉
I think everyone’s pretty familiar with The Cove by now (& if you’re not, you should be, so check out the link). Now, the director of this Oscar-winning documentary, Louie Psihoyos, has a new, bigger movie in mind. His new film, The Singing Planet: The whole world is singing, we just haven’t been listening, will
3D Mass Extinction Movie, by Director of "The Cove" Read More 👉
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/v/fgT-QfcjXw4&hl=pl_PL&fs=1] Here is this week’s “greencast” or screencast of great green news from around the internet (that we didn’t already cover). Enjoy the video above via YouTube or in high definition on screenr. By the way, if you happen to notice the sound of pedestrians, cyclists or streetcars in the background, it is because I
Smallest whale population in the world is truly on the brink of extinction. The smallest known whale population in the world is down to 30 individuals, only 8 of them being females according to a study released last week.
World's Smallest Whale Population Close to Extinction Read More 👉
Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner believes that humanity will die out, maybe in one hundred years. In a recent and rare interview, Fenner, who is emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University in Canberra, said that homo sapiens will not survive the current population explosion and what he termed the “unbridled consumption”
Already Too Late for Humanity says Expert Read More 👉
[social_buttons] Ancient lizards from the time of dinosaurs may go extinct due to climate change in the coming decades. A 200-million-year-old lizard, the three-eyed Tuatara, may go extinct due to climate change, scientists warn. The problem is that climate change is reportedly turning the whole species into males.
Lizard that Outlived Dinosaurs May Go Extinct from Climate Change Read More 👉
The mass extinction of mammal species 50,000 years ago possibly linked to continental climate footprints. [social_buttons]An international team of scientists used global data modelling to construct continental “climate footprints” in an effort to determine the cause of the mass extinctions that took place 50,000 years ago. “Between 50,000 and 3,000 years before present (BP) 65%
Mammal Extinctions Linked to Climate Footprints Read More 👉
A controversial new proposal would allow nations (i.e. Japan, Norway and Iceland) to kill endangered whales. Quotas will be based on politics, not science. In 1986, commercial whaling was officially banned by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), an entity established to protect dramatically declining whale stocks. Despite this ban, certain nations, most notably Japan, Norway
Controversial New Whaling Quotas Proposed by IWC Read More 👉
Communities of all sorts are being disturbed by the fires in California. As another result of climate change, bird communities are expected to see some big changes in other ways, according to a new report released on September 1.
California Fires Not the Only Thing Hurting Communities in California Read More 👉
[social_buttons] It is estimated that man has been in Oceania for up to 125,000 years. The land was there before man. And for a long time a balance has been found between man and nature. Perhaps that balance was achieved because man and nature were not separate entities, but one and the same. However, in
Invasive Species, Habitat Loss Threaten to Extinguish Life in Oceania Read More 👉
[social_buttons] A new species of Samoan fruit bat or ‘flying fox’ was discovered at the Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia by Kristofer M. Helgen, a Research Zoologist and Curator of Mammals at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. Helgen, the lead author of the paper published in American Museum Novitates, noticed the bat within
New Species Found on Shelf – In a Jar Read More 👉
One of the biggest issues facing us right now is global warming. Its effects on animals and on agriculture are indeed frightening, and the effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts about global warming are often debated in politics and the media, but, unfortunately, even if we disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global, and measurable. The causes are mainly from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be severe.
Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List Read More 👉
A rare species of sheep discovered by Marco Polo in the 13th century is edging closer to extinction due to increased trophy hunting in Central Asian countries, new research reports. The species, once prominent in the Pamir Mountains on the border of China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan, now numbers around 10,000, according to George Schaller
Trophy Hunting Pushing Marco Polo Sheep Toward Extinction Read More 👉
[social_buttons] A colony of giant African bats has made a dramatic return from the brink of exctinction, thanks to a conservation drive discouraging people from eating them as delicacies. As recently as 1989, the Pemba Flying Fox, one of Africa’s largest bat species, was critically endangered, with only a few individuals left on Pemba Island,
African Roast Bat is Off the Menu, Population Soars Read More 👉
British conservationists are ecstatic over what they hope is the return of the Large Tortoiseshell butterfly, thought to be extinct in Britain. The butterfly, once common, dwindled in numbers in the early twentieth century to the point where it disappeared entirely. Some experts fear that sightings of the Large Tortoiseshell may in fact be of
Conservationists Hopeful Extinct Butterfly Back in Britain Read More 👉