endangered turtles

Green Living, Activism, and Clean Energy Stories of the Day

Some of the top green living, activism, and clean energy stories from the past day or so: Activism Greenpeace Gives Facebook “Unfriend Coal” Deadline Greenpeace has been pushing Facebook to “unfriend coal” and go the route of clean energy for awhile. Facebook, for the most part, hasn’t listened. Greenpeace is now telling Facebook it should

Green Living, Activism, and Clean Energy Stories of the Day Read More 👉

Angela Kinsey and Rachael Harris Saving Sea Turtles, Acting Like Bond Girls [VIDEOS]

The second series of Oceana’s “Getting Sea Turtles Off the Hook” Public Service Announcement (PSA) ads have officially been announced. The PSAs star actresses and comedians Angela Kinsey (“The Office”) and Rachael Harris (“My Boys” and “The Hangover”). The main focus of the PSAs is getting people involved in Oceana’s campaign to help save endangered

Angela Kinsey and Rachael Harris Saving Sea Turtles, Acting Like Bond Girls [VIDEOS] Read More 👉

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