
Farmageddon Strips Rosy Myths From 21st-Century Food: London Salon February 20

Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat exposes a worldwide crisis in mega-farming. (Graphic from Sunday Times review by coauthor.) The authors, Philip Lymbery and Isabel Oakeshott, believe that the increasingly globalized food production industry threatens the quality of what we eat, our health, and the very land we live on. They say people now […]

Farmageddon Strips Rosy Myths From 21st-Century Food: London Salon February 20 Read More πŸ‘‰

Onion: "We Raise All Our Beef Humanely On Open Pasture And Then We Hang Them Upside Down And Slash Their Throats"

I’ve always thought the idea of humane meat was absurd. It baffles me that people can even consider that term logical. For sure, I’d prefer that animals be raised in as good of conditions as possible. But the point that they are raised to be slaughtered makes the whole process inhumane. Would it be humane

Onion: "We Raise All Our Beef Humanely On Open Pasture And Then We Hang Them Upside Down And Slash Their Throats" Read More πŸ‘‰

Hole-y Cow! WTFistula?

Here’s some text from a PBS interview with Michael Pollan, entitled “Modern Meat.”Β This covers the need for the holes (“Rumen Fistula”) and more. Read the whole thing via the link, this snippet is just the beginning. The problem with this system, or one of the problems with this system, is that cows are not evolved

Hole-y Cow! WTFistula? Read More πŸ‘‰

Nature Conservancy to Restore Salmon Run Destroyed by Cows

The Nature Conservancy announced this week that they have purchased ranchland in Shasta, California and hope to return Big Springs Creek to its former glory as a major salmon run. [social_buttons] The organization noticed the creek’s consistent, glacier-fed flowing water supply should make it the perfect spawning area for the embattled Pacific salmon, but it

Nature Conservancy to Restore Salmon Run Destroyed by Cows Read More πŸ‘‰

Environmentalists Should Give Up Meat: Cows Worse than Cars for Global Warming

“Now should be environmental vegetarianism’s big moment. Global warming is the single biggest threat to the health of the planet, and meat consumption plays a bigger role in greenhouse gas emissions than even many environmentalists realize.” – Ben Adler[social_buttons] This quote above is from an article by Ben Adler in American Prospect, titled “Are Cows

Environmentalists Should Give Up Meat: Cows Worse than Cars for Global Warming Read More πŸ‘‰

Study Shows Mad Cow Disease Can be Genetic

[social_buttons] Previously believed to be a food-borne disease, researchers have discovered that some cows are genetically predisposed to contract bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The report shows that up to 48,000 cattle in the United States alone could carry the gene. The study concludes that even under the best grass-fed, grazing conditions, cows could still contract the

Study Shows Mad Cow Disease Can be Genetic Read More πŸ‘‰

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