coral reefs

Ocean Acidification May Cause Cascading Loss Of Biodiversity In Some Marine Habitats, Research Finds

The ocean acidification that’s now occurring, as a result of increasing anthropogenic levels of carbon dioxide emissions, will led to cascading losses of biodiversity in many marine habitats and ecosystems, according to new research from the University of British Columbia and its partners. The new work is some of the first to investigate the likely

Ocean Acidification May Cause Cascading Loss Of Biodiversity In Some Marine Habitats, Research Finds Read More 👉

Corals Grow To Be Much, Much Older Than Previously Assumed, Research Finds — Implications Relating To Ocean Acidification & Coral Bleaching Events

Specific coral genotypes (“individuals”) can live for more than 5,000 years (at the least) according to new research from the National Marine Fisheries Service, Penn State, and Dial Cordy & Associates. The findings — based on research focused on elkhorn corals (Acropora palmata) living around Florida and in the Caribbean — mean that corals are

Corals Grow To Be Much, Much Older Than Previously Assumed, Research Finds — Implications Relating To Ocean Acidification & Coral Bleaching Events Read More 👉

Caribbean Coral Reefs "On the Verge of Collapse"

Update: Depressed by this news. Check out: “A Transformation From Environmental Grief to Environmental Action,” which will be on Google+ on Wednesday, 3/12/2004 at 11:00 am PST. The gist: environmental news can be depressing. How do you maintain your resolve to fight for a better environmental future? A new report issued by the International Union for Conservation of

Caribbean Coral Reefs "On the Verge of Collapse" Read More 👉

Obama, Declaring "we must learn from history," Praises Chevron at A-bomb Memorial Service

  President Obama, speaking at the annual “Chevron remembers Nagasaki” memorial service, today praised the US oil giant for its role “in helping all of us learn from history.” Speaking in San Fransisco moments before the crowd-pleasing pyrotechnic recreation of the 1944 blasts in Japan, Obama cited the role of the oil industry in working

Obama, Declaring "we must learn from history," Praises Chevron at A-bomb Memorial Service Read More 👉

The Experiment: Using Gene Therapy to Save Coral Reefs 'Stressed' by Climate Change

In what could lead to a milestone in genetic ‘engineering’ in the wild, a microbiologist and her team is trying to help stressed coral reefs adapt to climate change and pollution by promoting “beneficial bacteria growth”. To do this, researches are experimenting with a form of gene therapy. Corals offer several important ecosystem services. Corals

The Experiment: Using Gene Therapy to Save Coral Reefs 'Stressed' by Climate Change Read More 👉

How We Wrecked the Ocean – Ecologist Jeremy Jackson Spells It Out [VIDEO]

In this talk, Jackson continuously returns to the three major factors that are dramatically altering our oceans: over-fishing, pollution, and climate change. These factors, he notes, do not arise and operate in isolation, but rather, they feedback into each other and “synergize” to make for a major, impending, ecological disaster.

How We Wrecked the Ocean – Ecologist Jeremy Jackson Spells It Out [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List

One of the biggest issues facing us right now is global warming. Its effects on animals and on agriculture are indeed frightening, and the effects on the human population are even scarier. The facts about global warming are often debated in politics and the media, but, unfortunately, even if we disagree about the causes, global warming effects are real, global, and measurable. The causes are mainly from us, the human race, and the effects on us will be severe.

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List Read More 👉

Odds on Earth

The recent news that Lake Mead has a 50-50 chance of going dry in the next 13 years was scary enough, but there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of ominous Earth news these days. Based on recent research, here are some of the odds we’re facing: Amount of coral reefs that will be in

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