
In Search of Missing Carbon & Life – 'Deep Earth' Mission Planned

It is the fundamental structural element of all living things. It is a key component of many energy sources, and, it is a crucial player in our planet’s climate system. The natural cycling of this element — Carbon (C)  — between earth, atmosphere and ocean maintains the habitable conditions that all Life depends upon. Much […]

In Search of Missing Carbon & Life – 'Deep Earth' Mission Planned Read More 👉

Climate Variation During Greenhouse Conditions

Researchers from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, England, have concluded that man-made global warming would probably not greatly change the influence had on the environment by inter-annual climate instances such as El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or the Arctic Oscillation/ North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/ NAO). “Even in the warm Cretaceous period, the patterns

Climate Variation During Greenhouse Conditions Read More 👉

Climate Science Stories of the Day

From the last day or so, other than what we’ve covered, here are some top climate science stories: Former Astronaut & Global Warming Denier’s Excellent Cherry Picking Former astronaut Harrison “Jack” Schmitt has expressed numerous “concerns” about scientific findings  regarding global warming over the years. Findings based on comprehensive scientific analysis. Climate Denial de-crocker Peter Sinclair

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Link Found Between Ancient Climate Change and Mass Extinction

New research led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology, Caltech, have discovered new details that support the idea that the mass extinction that took place approximately 450 million years ago, known as the Late Ordovician mass extinction, was linked to a cooling climate. During the Late Ordovician mass extinction more than 75 percent

Link Found Between Ancient Climate Change and Mass Extinction Read More 👉

Scientists Create Climate Time Machine

  The 20th Century Reanalysis Project (20CR), a joint project between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Colorado, has brought together 27 international climatologists to create a comprehensive reanalysis of all global weather events from 1871 to present day, effectively creating an accessible time machine for climate scientists. The project allows

Scientists Create Climate Time Machine Read More 👉

Rising & Record Food Prices, Food Riots Due to Extreme Weather Events

I included the video above in last week’s global weirding news roundup, in addition to Joe Romm’s recent article on how extreme weather events are contributing to rising, record food prices. But both are worth another quick look on their own. In 2009, Lester Brown and Scientific American asked “Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?” This summer’s

Rising & Record Food Prices, Food Riots Due to Extreme Weather Events Read More 👉

Devastating Australian Floods Result of La Nina

North-Eastern Australia is currently suffering floods which are displacing thousands of people from their homes throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales. The likely culprit for these life-altering floods is the La Niña weather phenomenon, which has brought heavy rain and eased drought conditions throughout the east of Australia. In their Annual Australian Climate Statement

Devastating Australian Floods Result of La Nina Read More 👉

Earth is Twice as Dusty

According to a new study the amount of dust in the planet’s atmosphere has doubled over the last century, and unsurprisingly is affecting climate and ecology around the world. Led by Natale Mahowald, an associate professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Cornell University, the study set out to use available data combined with computer

Earth is Twice as Dusty Read More 👉

Physical Chemist: "global warming as the result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is totally undeniable"

Perhaps because I have been a Physical Chemist for more years than I care to mention, I have the idea that Physical Chemists have something important to contribute to just about any discussion about physical phenomena.  I hope that I can convince you that this is in fact true in the case of global climate

Physical Chemist: "global warming as the result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is totally undeniable" Read More 👉

Global Warming News: Communicating Climate Science, Desertification Greatest Planetary Threat, NASA Releases Global Warming Map, Climate Education for Kids

Global warming news of the week (other than what we reported already). Desertification is Greatest Threat to Planet, Expert Warns Desertification and land degradation is “the greatest environmental challenge of our time” and “a threat to global wellbeing”, according to the UN’s top drylands official, Luc Gnacadja, who says people must be paid via global

Global Warming News: Communicating Climate Science, Desertification Greatest Planetary Threat, NASA Releases Global Warming Map, Climate Education for Kids Read More 👉

Warming Planet Affecting Storms Differently by Hemisphere

Global warming will have a varying effect on weather systems depending on which hemisphere they are in, according to new research from MIT’s Paul O’Gorman, who found that the warming of the planet will affect the availability of energy to fuel large-scale weather systems that occur at Earth’s middle latitudes. O’Gorman found that more intense

Warming Planet Affecting Storms Differently by Hemisphere Read More 👉

EPA's "Climate Change Indicators in the US" report: What's Up with Weather and Climate?

Continuing our coverage of the EPA’s new Climate Change Indicators in the US report, below are key summary findings regarding weather and climate. More heat waves, tropical cyclones, floods, precipitation, and also perhaps drought in some areas — watch out! The following text comes directly from the US EPA’s “Summary of Key Findings” [PDF]: [social_buttons]

EPA's "Climate Change Indicators in the US" report: What's Up with Weather and Climate? Read More 👉

Sustainable Food Lab and SAI Platform Launch Global Climate Project with Farmers

At least a dozen global food companies collaborate toward practical, cost effective solutions to reduce the climate impact of specific farming systems. [social_buttons] I happen to be a fan of the Sustainable Food Lab, which is a group of businesses, NGOs and academic institutions working together to accelerate the shift toward sustainable agriculture.  I respect

Sustainable Food Lab and SAI Platform Launch Global Climate Project with Farmers Read More 👉

Mann is Off the Hook, So Let's Look at the Real Crime [Video of Mann]

Michael Mann, the somewhat infamous climate scientist from Penn State, shouldn’t be so infamous after all, we find out yet another time! “An academic inquiry into the so-called ‘climategate’ email scandal has concluded that a well-known U.S. scientist [Mann] did not directly or indirectly falsify data in his research,” according to Mike De Souza of

Mann is Off the Hook, So Let's Look at the Real Crime [Video of Mann] Read More 👉

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