When Richard Muller launched the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study (BEST) to “independently” evaluate once and for all if global warming was happening or not, many of us followers of climate science were a bit irritated. Why?
THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED repeatedly. Nearly every overarching scientific body and organization connected with the matter has backed up the clear findings, because it is not just 1 or 2 things telling us the world is warming — about a dozen long-researched factors show us very clearly that the world is warming due to human greenhouse gas emissions.
The BEST study was partially funded by some of the biggest global warming deniers on the planet.
Richard Muller was widely known for completely misquoting and misrepresenting both climate scientists and Al Gore on this matter.
Well, even despite the potential bias and flaws, the now-released results of the BEST study reiterate (for the umpteenth time) global warming is happening. The results are nearly identical to the results of so many climate scientists and overarching scientific bodies before it that this really would not be news in a sane world. From the BEST study: