climate change skeptics

Who Are the Real Skeptics?

Good question, and good answer, from Australian journalism student Matt Bush has an excellent piece on the horrid reporting around “Climategate 2.0.” Here’s the intro as a taster: Did you hear about this Climategate 2.0 bullshit? Why are journalists not getting fired for all this ridiculously irresponsible misreporting? Over the last couple of days, we’ve been […]

Who Are the Real Skeptics? Read More 👉

Activism News & Action Opportunities Round-Up (10 Stories)

  1. Activists occupied KFC on two continents last week. More from the Dogwood Alliance: “Colonel Sanders and various woodland creatures made appearances at over 150 KFC restaurants across the country and various locations in Europe to deliver a message, ‘Stop destroying Southern forests for your throwaway packaging.’ The iconic KFC bucket and other KFC

Activism News & Action Opportunities Round-Up (10 Stories) Read More 👉

Prominent Former Global Warming Skeptic & Conservative Tackles GOP's "rejection of proven science"

Anyone with a moral conscience who digs into climate science at all (not snake science from global warming denier websites, but real climate science), will find that humans are causing global warming, the effects of global warming are serious, and we should be doing something NOW to address the issue.

I’ve been covering stories on a number of “climate science skeptics” and conservatives who, after delving into the science for real, found that the evidence for the above was overwhelming and “changed sides” (starting working to address climate change not hide from it).

Here’s a bit from a piece by another former global warming skeptic, former Republican Party officer and author Michael Stafford….

Prominent Former Global Warming Skeptic & Conservative Tackles GOP's "rejection of proven science" Read More 👉

'Temperature Leads Carbon' Climate Denial Crock {VIDEO}

From our favorite climate denial de-crocker on the web, here’s another great video from him (recently updated). As he summarizes on Climate Denial Crock of the Week:

“For a lot of climate deniers, this is their penultimate argument, the master climate crock. They think it’s the stroke to end all arguments.  It’s only the most outrageous and dishonest cherry pick of all time.”

'Temperature Leads Carbon' Climate Denial Crock {VIDEO} Read More 👉

Climate Skeptic (& Republican) Who Learned the Facts..

I know how frustrating and disheartening it can be discussing climate science and politics with a so-called climate skeptics. I get comments from them on Planetsave daily (although, my guess is a lot of them aren’t actually human). Furthermore, though, I’ve got a good friend who is one. He’s caught up on conspiracy theory communities that spout climate change misinformation as some of their conspiracy theories (and don’t get me wrong, I believe a number of conspiracy theories, but the idea that thousands of climate scientists around the world are tricking the public for money or to create a “one world government” is not one of them).

Anyway, when I ran across this article on a climate skeptic who came around after actually researching the topic, it gave me a bit of hope for humanity and even some of the most die-hard climate skeptics.

Climate Skeptic (& Republican) Who Learned the Facts.. Read More 👉

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