climate change disasters

Climate Change Will Trigger Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions

  There is growing evidence that some of the Earth’s most catastrophic geological events were triggered by changes in the climate. The melting of ice sheets and changes in sea level served as triggers to some of the world’s largest earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, according to British geologist Bill McGuire. The best evidence of climatic […]

Climate Change Will Trigger Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions Read More ๐Ÿ‘‰

Climate Disasters Displaced 42.5 Million in Asia in Last 2 Years

  The claim that global warming and climate change aren’t real gets increasingly ridiculous each year. For one, the science just makes it so much more obvious as it develops (but, truthfully, it’s been obvious for years). Additionally, the real-world climate disasters just keep increasing. In the past two years, for example, 42 million Asians

Climate Disasters Displaced 42.5 Million in Asia in Last 2 Years Read More ๐Ÿ‘‰

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