
Bike Theft and Vandalism Not a Problem for U.S. Bike-Sharing Programs

Bike theft and vandalism has been a bit of an issue for the world’s biggest bike-sharing program, Vélib in Paris, which has been, nonetheless, extremely successful and dwarfs U.S. bike-sharing programs (so far). But recent research on the matter has found basically nothing to worry about concerning bike-sharing theft and vandalism in the U.S. and

Bike Theft and Vandalism Not a Problem for U.S. Bike-Sharing Programs Read More 👉

People for Bikes

Biking, if you haven’t gathered by now, is one of the best ways to improve the environment and your health. It is also one of the best ways to save money. It is common sense that bicycling is good for us. Nonetheless, only 2% of federal transportation spending goes to bicycling and walking (12% of

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Bicycle Composting and Recycling Service in Philadelphia [VIDEO]

A couple months ago I wrote about a cool bicycle composting service in St. Paul, Minnesota. Here’s a similar bike composting and recycling service in Philadelphia, the Pedal Co-Op. “Motivated by their love of bike culture and the environment, this enterprising group has built a cooperative business around transporting other businesses’ compost and recycling,” Rory Woods

Bicycle Composting and Recycling Service in Philadelphia [VIDEO] Read More 👉

Cycling Superheroes Bike Ride

What’s better for the environment and society than bicycling for transportation purposes? Going on a long-distance bike ride and performing helpful services for the communities you visit on the way might be. Rory Woods of sustainablog recently reported on a crew of “cycling superheroes” who have been doing this annually or biannually since 2000 and

Cycling Superheroes Bike Ride Read More 👉

$10.2 Million Grant Awarded to California Bicyclists

$10.2 million was recently awarded to folks in Northern California to further develop their bicycle/pedestrian network. In particular, the money is for the East Bay Pedestrian and Bicycle Network, a part of the Green Transportation Initiative Project. In total, this project will consist of nearly 200 miles of paved trails between seven communities including. The total

$10.2 Million Grant Awarded to California Bicyclists Read More 👉

$1 Billion to Bicycle and Pedestrians Projects in 2010, Enough for One Bridge

The League of American Bicyclists (LAB) recently reported on some good and bad news for those who like clean, green transportation. For the second year in a row, federal spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects exceeded $1 billion.  According to the Federal Highway Administration’s Financial Management Information System (FMIS), U.S. states “obligated” – that’s FHWA’s

$1 Billion to Bicycle and Pedestrians Projects in 2010, Enough for One Bridge Read More 👉

Cyclists Live Longer

Think bicycling is too dangerous? Think again. The health benefits of bicycling outweigh the dangers of accidents with cars and air pollution in yet another study on this matter. The new study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, found that regular cyclists can be expected to live 3-14 months longer than non-cyclists. Read more about

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Wrongfully Arrested New York City Cyclists Get $965,000

As the former executive director of an organization promoting bicycling for transportation purposes (as well as walking, mass transit, and sustainable development), I can tell you that one of the biggest problems bicyclists face, in most cities across the United States, is uninformed and hostile police. New York City is apparently no exception. Hostile and illegal

Wrongfully Arrested New York City Cyclists Get $965,000 Read More 👉

10 Cool Bike Stories

I subscribe to the RSS news feed for Bike Radar and most of the stories are really just for hard-core cyclists (which I am not), but from time to time there are great stories that I think anyone at all supportive of bicycling would be interested in. I also subscribe to a few other bike sites

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Greencast: National Security and Climate Change, Bicycling Politicians, New National Parks in Russia…

[youtube=] Here is this week’s “greencast” or screencast of great green news from around the internet (that we didn’t already cover). Enjoy the video above via YouTube or in high definition on screenr. By the way, if you happen to notice the sound of pedestrians, cyclists or streetcars in the background, it is because I

Greencast: National Security and Climate Change, Bicycling Politicians, New National Parks in Russia… Read More 👉

New Bike-Sharing Program in Chicago & Washington, DC Bike-Sharing Program Getting 10x Bigger

Chicago is launching its first major bike-sharing program this month and Washington, DC is growing its from 120 bikes to 1,100 bikes. Back when I was the executive director of a non-profit promoting clean transportation (mostly bicycling) and sustainable development, I thought that bike-sharing could become one of the biggest, most popular, and most effective

New Bike-Sharing Program in Chicago & Washington, DC Bike-Sharing Program Getting 10x Bigger Read More 👉

Cop Who Shoved Cyclist Fired by NYPD, Faces 4 Year Sentence

The police officer who was infamously caught on camera tackling a bicyclist in New York City was fired on February 10th, seven months after the original incident. [social_buttons] As we reported here on Planetsave, former officer Patrick Pogan, 23, has been arraigned under charges of falsifying records. We’ve now learned that he has plead not

Cop Who Shoved Cyclist Fired by NYPD, Faces 4 Year Sentence Read More 👉

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