animal rights

Human Undergoes Horrendous Animal Testing for Animal Rights

  I’m not going to lie, I didn’t watch the video. The opening picture of the Feelgood Style post on this matter was enough for me: Here’s the full Feelgood Style post,Β Human Undergoes Animal Testing for Animal Rights: Performance artist Jacqueline Traides agreed to publicly undergo animal testing techniques to show what animals endure in

Human Undergoes Horrendous Animal Testing for Animal Rights Read More πŸ‘‰

Animal Rights Activists Now Considered Terrorists — Filing Lawsuit to Get Their 1st Amendment Rights Back

  Animal rights activists have been threatened by a new law, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), that seems to violate our 1st Amendment rights (allowing the government to give protesters the label “terrorist”). Now, they are fighting back. A group of activists have filed a federal lawsuit opposed to the act. “Plaintiffs Sarahjane Blum

Animal Rights Activists Now Considered Terrorists — Filing Lawsuit to Get Their 1st Amendment Rights Back Read More πŸ‘‰

Animal Activists Shocked at High Number Of Dog Injuries at WV Racetrack

A recent report from the West Virginia Racing Commission has revealed that over 152 greyhound dogs have been euthanized, due to injuries acquired while racing, since 2005. The injuries occur because of the design of the tracks’ first turn. I would think that a greyhound racetrack that makes thousands on a daily basis could afford

Animal Activists Shocked at High Number Of Dog Injuries at WV Racetrack Read More πŸ‘‰

Monsanto Hired Blackwater to Spy on Animal Rights Activists?

With all the panic around international terrorismΒ that has dominated the media in recent years, we easily get distracted from and miss critical, internal threats (like the health threats of the food we eat), especially when such threats are hidden by mega-corporations and the former CIA officials they hire. The Nation recently did an in-depth pieceΒ on

Monsanto Hired Blackwater to Spy on Animal Rights Activists? Read More πŸ‘‰

Canadians Step Up for Animal Advocacy: Protesting Unreasonable Animal Euthanization

Hundreds of dogs and cats at the OSPCA in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada were set to be euthanized due to the spread of ringworm amongst shelter animals and people. Many were saved as a result of positive human impact. [social_buttons] Something has been happening in the Toronto area in Canada that hasn’t been receiving the international

Canadians Step Up for Animal Advocacy: Protesting Unreasonable Animal Euthanization Read More πŸ‘‰

Journalists Arrested, Attacked with Clubs for Filming Seal Slaughter

Sealers wielding clubs for the purpose of killing seals attacked two journalists, one from the UK and one from South Africa, who were filming the brutal Namibian seal cull last week. The journalists were then arrested and jailed at the Henties Bay Police Station in Namibia, and their camera and video was confiscated by authorities.

Journalists Arrested, Attacked with Clubs for Filming Seal Slaughter Read More πŸ‘‰

300+ Gorillas Killed Each Year for Bushmeat in the Congo

An undercover investigation by Endangered Species International has disclosed the horrific scale of the endangered species market in the Republic of Congo. [social_buttons] The nonprofit found that hunters source 95% of bushmeat around the Kouilou region, one of the most biodiverse areas in the country. In additon to gorilla meat, the investigation discovered the sale

300+ Gorillas Killed Each Year for Bushmeat in the Congo Read More πŸ‘‰

Importing Bear Bile Into the US Could Get You 20 Years in Jail

A South Korean woman living in Los Angeles has been charged with importing bear bile from China to illegally sell as an aphrodisiac. She faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. [social_buttons] Investigators intercepted a package addressed the Seongja Hyun while waiting for transport to Los Angeles from a San Francisco sorting facility.

Importing Bear Bile Into the US Could Get You 20 Years in Jail Read More πŸ‘‰

Against Reason, Canada Increases Seal Hunt Quota by 55,000

Despite evidence that increasing the seal hunt quota could bring the harp seal population down the dangerous levels, the Canadian government has approved a 55,000 seal increase to quota for the upcoming commercial seal hunt. [social_buttons] The increase brings the total to 338,000 young seals scheduled to be brutally killed. Canada’s Humane Society said the

Against Reason, Canada Increases Seal Hunt Quota by 55,000 Read More πŸ‘‰

First Sea Lion Killed in Controversial Cull; Media Banned

The first two sea lions were captured today in the joint Oregon and Washintgon sea lion killing program, with one being euthenized shortly after capture. The sea lions are being targeted because they eat salmon. [social_buttons] The animal was given a health exam when a veterenarian noticed a potentially contagious wound and decided to euthanize

First Sea Lion Killed in Controversial Cull; Media Banned Read More πŸ‘‰

5 Ways to Participate in the International Day of Action Against Seal Hunting

The Canadian seal hunt comes around once a year, and along with the hunt comes the international day of action against it: March 15th. [social_buttons] This year is looking more promising than ever. The European Union is considering a complete ban on seal products, a bill to ban the hunt has been introduced in the

5 Ways to Participate in the International Day of Action Against Seal Hunting Read More πŸ‘‰

Update: Video of Activist Confrontation at Sea Lion Cull Press Conference

[youtube=] To update a previous post on the topic, above is a video of activists confronting government scientists and press representatives about the plan to kill up to 85 sea lions because they’re eating salmon. Activists organized a protest today at the Bonville dam and are encouraging all Oregon and Washinton residents to contact their

Update: Video of Activist Confrontation at Sea Lion Cull Press Conference Read More πŸ‘‰

Malaysian State Mulls Shark Finning Ban After Boycott Threat

Sabah, a large Malaysian state, is considering banning the practice of shark finning after scuba divers threatened to boycott the country. [social_buttons] The Semporna Tourism Action Council proposed the ban because they believe sharks are largely responsible for the area’s booming touring industry. The council includes members of the Sabah Fisheries Department, Sabah Tourism Board,

Malaysian State Mulls Shark Finning Ban After Boycott Threat Read More πŸ‘‰

FBI Arrests Four Animal Rights Activists, Claims "Terrorism"

Federal authorities have arrested four animal rights activists suspected in anti-vivisection actions in Santa Cruz and Alameda counties, a federal terrorism task force reported Friday. [social_buttons] The Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI arrested four animal rights activists as β€œterrorists.” Details of the arrests and the charges are still coming, but this is the

FBI Arrests Four Animal Rights Activists, Claims "Terrorism" Read More πŸ‘‰

Australian Police Confiscate Sea Shepherd Video Footage

Things turned bad for Sea Shepherd when they arrived back to port in Tasmania today. They were greeted by Australian federal police who boarded the Steve Irwin ship with a warrant. [social_buttons] They confiscated “all edited and raw video footage, all edited and raw audio recordings, all still photographs, producer’s notes, interview transcripts, production meeting

Australian Police Confiscate Sea Shepherd Video Footage Read More πŸ‘‰

PETA Re-launches 'McCruelty' Campaign Against McDonald's

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently re-launched the ‘McCruelty’ campaign against the fast food giant McDonald’s, saying of their treatment of animals, “I’m hatin’ it.” The original campaign against McDonald’s was launched in 2000, and after the company worked with PETA to make some basic animal welfare changes, the campaign was withdrawn.

PETA Re-launches 'McCruelty' Campaign Against McDonald's Read More πŸ‘‰

Is This Some Sick Sport? Video Shows Dogs Attacking Captive Wolf in Turkey

[youtube=] Warning: Video contains disturbing content. This video is very hard to make out (and all online Turkish-to-English translations don’t yield much more insight), but this appears as if a small town in Turkey gathered together to encourage their dogs to attack and kill a captive wolf. Please comment if you have any idea what

Is This Some Sick Sport? Video Shows Dogs Attacking Captive Wolf in Turkey Read More πŸ‘‰

Iceland's New Government to Keep Increase in Whaling Quota

Contrary to previous reports, Iceland’s new government announced that they will keep the controversial increased whaling quota that the outgoing Fisheries Minister enacted last month, just one day before leaving office. [social_buttons] Steingrimur J Sigfusson, Iceland’s new Fisheries Minister, said that the country will keep the whaling quota, but added that whalers should not expect

Iceland's New Government to Keep Increase in Whaling Quota Read More πŸ‘‰

UPS Refuses Special Handing for Old Lobster's Trek Back to Sea

The 120-year-old lobster was out the door and heading towards freedom, but then an obstinate UPS driver wouldn’t agree to give the lobster’s box careful handling on its way back to the Atlantic. [social_buttons] Craig the 20-pound lobster made headlines after PETA asked Brooklyn restaurant owner Gina Ng to allow the animal to be released

UPS Refuses Special Handing for Old Lobster's Trek Back to Sea Read More πŸ‘‰

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