ACE High School Climate Change Science Program Adopted By US Mayors Conference

Calling for the “swift implementation” of ACE* climate education in high schools across the country, a bipartisan group of mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors’ annual June meeting took a strong stance against “climate change denialism.” San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee and over 250 other mayors passed a resolution adopting High School climate […]

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Short Climate Change Program Sparks Viewers

We Americans could use “a population shift in knowledge and positive engagement in the issue of climate change,” as environmental scientist  and media guru Anthony Leiserowitz and colleagues have characterized it. While people and governments of other nations, believing their survival is at stake, have rushed to codify mitigation and adaptation measures—only 15% of the US

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Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action)

In the wake of dire warnings about the future and current threats of global warming and climate change from the US government, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the International Energy Agency (IEA), it’s clear that we need to tackle our illogical fossil fuel addiction fast. It’s critical that we tackle this issue

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OK, yes, you probably have no idea what DOT is… when I first saw it mentioned, I automatically thought it was referring to the Department of Transportation (due, of course, to my city planning background). But DOT also stands for Do One Thing. The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) has a cool DOT project going to

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