Join Protest at Monsanto's Annual Shareholders Meeting


via Organic Consumers Association (on email), except for the image:

What if Monsanto had to pay for its corporate crimes?

It is inevitable that one day Monsanto will be held responsible for the enormous human health and environmental damages arising from the so-called “responsible” use of its toxic pesticides, chemicals, and mutant genetically engineered seeds. If the Biotech Bully of St. Louis were to be held liable for its 100-year legacy of corporate criminality – carcinogenic chemical food sweeteners, Agent Orange, dioxin, Bovine Growth Hormone, poisonous herbicides, seed monopolization, and genetically engineered crops, the company’s shareholders would no doubt see the value of their Monsanto stocks plummet to zero.

Following up on two protests at Monsanto’s headquarters in 2011, OCA returns to St. Louis for the 2012 Monsanto shareholders’ meeting on January 24!

Please join OCA, Pesticide Action Network, and Harrington Investments (a socially responsible investor’s group) in St. Louis to support a shareholder resolution to examine the financial risks associated with genetically engineered crops. While an OCA representative is speaking inside the shareholders meeting, another group of us will be outside, peacefully picketing.

Come to St. Louis to Make Monsanto Pay! Contact Mike Durschmid (mikedvegan AT to join in, or RSVP on Facebook and share with your friends.

And this just in: Activists in Maui, Hawaii, in solidarity with our St. Louis action, will be peacefully protesting outside Monsanto’s Hawaii HQ location on 3555 Mokulele Hwy on the same day. For more information or to RSVP, visit the Facebook event here.

Image via David Blackwell.

2 thoughts on “Join Protest at Monsanto's Annual Shareholders Meeting”

  1. How I wish  could be in St Louis of the 24th to add my voice to all those who will be protesting at Monsanto’s evil trading of GMO etc.

    I would want to add my support to the Farmers and their families as I would to the Vietnam Veterans and their families, especially those affected by Monsanto’s Agent Orange.

    I hope that the protest will be so big and powerful that Monsanto will at long last understand that their products have caused the deaths of many many thousands and left the lives of millions in many countries in agony and still suffering from the effects of Agent Orange.

    If readers want to see what Agent Orange has done to the People and land of Vietnam, click on:

    Good luck to all those protesting in St Louis and Hawiaii

    Len Aldis. Chair
    Agent Orange Action Group

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